Good Morning To Me
Greetings WA Family!
With a hot cup of coffee in my hand, I turn on the computer to see great news! I have received another badge. Google has (FOUND) my website. Can you imagine being recognized when you haven't even finished your actual homepage. This is encouraging me to move forward a little faster - even when my grandbaby wants me to play for 8 hours a day. My site will be about a hidden library found deep within the sea of murky waters; where adult stories will be found. - Just Sharing Everyone! I work late at night on the site while being tired, but the effort has been rewarded with a badge. Now back to my coffee while the baby is still asleep. Have a Great Day Community!
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Congratulations, that is an excellent motivation when being noticed by Google. Now you need to push even harder and stronger for your next milestone.
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This is a major milestone - congrats!