$500 in a Single Day and Other November Highlights


November went fast. I feel that it just recently started and now it suddenly ended.

Anyway, it's time for another monthly update! ;)

I have been making monthly updates during 2017 to inspire other people on Wealthy Affiliate and to track my own progress as well.

I came to Bulgaria in the end of October and now I've been living in a comfortable hotel for a few weeks. I'll live here until 25.11. Then I'll travel to Macedonia,Skopje for a week. After Macedonia I'll stay 1,5 months in Turkey.Then I'll fly to UAE and most likely after that I'll go to the Philippines.

By the way, if you want to follow mytrip, I have started doing videoblogs occasionally on YouTube. You can find mewith my name: Roope Kiuttu.

I need to admit that I wasn't highly disciplined in November but still made some new records that were nice.

Here are the highlights of November:

  • First +$500 day with the skills I've learned on WA.
  • 1,068 unique visitors in a single day on my online revenue website. (Traffic is still growing 30-50%per month so it looks pretty promising.)
  • Cryptocurrencies are going to a sky! My close friend has already became a millionaire. I'm far from that but still made some good money. I made like +$5,000 in a week but of course they are volatile so sometimes the value goes down as well.
  • Started doing more YouTube videos thanbefore. I'm excited about YouTube and its possibilities. I'm at the beginning of my YouTube-journey but I have huge goals for the future.

When I look at the highlights it looksthat the month was pretty good but I know I could have done muchbetter. I wasn't reaching my highest potential.

December has started and I will make it awesome!

Goals for December:

  1. Reach 1,500 visitors per day.
  2. Update the email list messages. Create10 high-quality follow ups.
  3. Publish at least 2 YouTube-videos everyday.
  4. Publish at least 1 article on my online revenue site every day.
  5. Start publishing again 2 articles per week on Languages site. (I had a break for 5 months)

These goals are MUST.

If you would seethat I haven't accomplished goals 2-5 during December, you can comehere and give me a punishment of a lifetime so I learn to keep mywords! ;)

2 YouTube-videos per day is quite a lotbut I am now so excited about the possibilities on YouTube. I willmost likely get the most of my views from the organic YouTube searchso the more videos, the better.

Now I will go andstart writing down more detailed plan for myself.

How did you do in November? What areyour plans for December?

PS. I want to remind that $500 is not my typical day at all. It was just a nice highlight.

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Recent Comments


Good for you, Keep up the great work and, keep that energy flow going man, it's contagious.

Truly an inspiration. Keep it up.

Busy. Busy. Busy and the Bees get the honey....thanks for sharing...

Dang man, 1,068 visitors in one day is totally awesome! How many posts do you have written on YourOnlineRevenue?


First 50-100 posts get about 0 traffic because I didn't know what I was doing.

At the moment I have over 420 posts.

It has been through trial and error and now I'm just starting to realize what kind of posts get traffic.

That is really impressive!

Inspiring testimonial. Thanks for sharing. :)

Awesome ...well done!!

That is awesome!

Hey, great attitude. Love it.

You are so inspiring!Thank you.Looking forward to hearing more.Enjoy this journey.

Great Stuff!

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