Ultimate Product Catalogue REVIEW VIDEO
I am looking for a solid plug in to use on one of my sites. I already have an active stripe account and also have access to a pretty geeky husband (and his team of Code Monkeys). I don't need a full fledge store for this particular project.
The first plug in I found was
Ultimate Product Catalogue
It looks really good out of the box except for one small detail.
I posted a video to my vimeo account here:
It appears I would have to buy the plug in to see how my catalog would display.
I'm going to keep reviewing other plug ins for now. I may come back to this one later.
I am ALWAYS willing to pay for a plug in that works well for my website goals. I just prefer to fully review the plug in before paying for the plug in.
At the time of my review the cost for the first year is $34.48 USD and $17.24 USD for each year after.
Be Well
Rebecca McGrane
Call/text if I can help 513-760-6018
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