From Struggles to Strength: How Business Failures Shape Our Future

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We’ve all heard the saying, “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger,” but if you’re anything like me, you know that sometimes it feels like the struggles are trying their best to knock you down. Whether it’s in life or business, the obstacles we face often seem like they’re pushing us to the edge, testing our patience, and making us question if we’re cut out for this.

Right now, I’m in the thick of one of those challenges. Google indexing, redirected pages, and canonical tag issues have become my personal mountains to climb. I’ve reached out to Google and Rank Math SEO Pro for help, but it’s tough—especially being new to this affiliate marketing game. There are resources out there, but let’s be honest, it feels like learning a foreign language sometimes. You fix one thing, and two more issues pop up.

But here’s the thing: as frustrating as it is, I know that this struggle is part of the journey. It’s the struggle that shapes us, tests us, and ultimately makes us stronger.

The Battle with Google

If you’ve been in the affiliate marketing world for any length of time, you know that getting Google to notice your website is no small feat. For me, it’s been a constant battle trying to get my pages properly indexed. Add to that the issues with redirected pages and canonical tags—it’s a maze that’s hard to navigate, and every time I think I’m making progress, I hit another dead end.

But here’s what I’m realizing: this is a challenge most of us face. It’s easy to feel like you’re the only one dealing with these headaches, but I’ve learned that these obstacles are incredibly common, especially for those of us just starting out.

Reaching Out for Help

Like many of you, I’ve been doing everything I can to resolve these issues. I’ve reached out to Google’s support, scoured their resources, and leaned on Rank Math SEO Pro for guidance. The answers are out there, but man, are they tough to decipher sometimes.

It’s overwhelming. When you’re new to affiliate marketing, the technical side of things can feel like a mountain too tall to climb. And if I’m being honest, there have been moments when I’ve questioned whether it’s all worth it. I know I’m not alone in that—these challenges can push even the most determined among us to the brink.

Why These Struggles Matter

Here’s the thing though: I could quit. I could decide that this is too hard, that the challenges are too much, and that it’s easier to walk away. But that’s not who I am—and I know it’s not who you are either.

These struggles, whether it’s with Google indexing or any other technical issue, are what separate the people who push through to success from those who don’t. It’s easy to get discouraged, but every time we tackle one of these challenges, we get a little stronger. We learn, we adapt, and we get closer to figuring it out.

In business, and in life, the struggles shape our future. They force us to grow, to learn, and to become more resilient. Sure, the road is rocky, but it’s these very bumps that make the journey worthwhile.

Pushing Through or Giving Up?

Here’s the hard truth: moments like these are where most people give up. It’s where they decide that the stress isn’t worth it, that the results aren’t coming fast enough, and that maybe they’re not cut out for this.

But what if, instead of seeing these challenges as roadblocks, we saw them as stepping stones? What if every issue we face is just another lesson, making us better equipped for the road ahead?

Affiliate marketing isn’t easy—no business is. But the struggles we face, whether they’re technical issues with Google or the everyday grind of building a business, are what will ultimately make us successful. It’s these moments that define us, not the easy wins.

Moving Forward

So, here I am, still wrestling with Google, still trying to fix those pesky redirected pages, and still learning about canonical tags. But I’m not giving up. Each step forward, no matter how small, is a win. I’m learning as I go, and with each new lesson, I’m getting stronger.

If you’re facing similar challenges, know this: you’re not alone. And more importantly, you’re not failing—you’re growing. These struggles are part of the process. They’re shaping us into the business leaders we’re destined to become.

So let’s embrace the struggle. Let’s learn from it. And when we look back, we’ll see that the strength we gained was worth every bit of the challenge.

Rick 🤩

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Recent Comments


I hear you on the problems with Google Rick... you are certainly not alone!

Hit a few roadblocks and quit??

No way man!! It's all part of the learning process for me... so let's keep on moving forward no matter what my friend! :-)

But Jessie....why? Lol


Hi Rick!

Yes, these little pesky issues can turn us into drama queens, but as you stated, running an online business is about getting over them and moving on.

No matter what the business is, there will always be challenges and opportunities to overcome and press on. We that press on, WIN!

Have a blessed day!

Thank you Howard for the good response.

Keep on keeping on.

Best of luck. I look at ‘roadblocks’ as an opportunity to go another way and learn new things. Never quit and eventually you will win.

Thanks for the inspiration Walter.

Winning is everything.

A great motivational message here; I hope your troubles have eased up.

Me too. Lol

Thanks for the response Abie.

You are welcome, and it is good to see you.

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