This is the blues
Hey Rich Here, I'm sorry that I haven't been doing my job. I am in the middle of moving. I should say I have to move from my sisters house to I don't know where, and that's my problem I have been going nuts trying to find a apartment. I just want you all to know at my WA family. I'm back as soon as I get settled in somewhere. I am so sorry to all my followers that I couldn't get back to you, Welcome to WA and thanks for the follow. Thank you all for putting up with my absence. I just wanted you all know there is a light at the end of the tunnel and I hope its not a train. Its a new life style, change, new place, they say change is good and that's right, new perspective. The bummer is I got no money, starting from 0000.
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thanks Gary,its Ironic really I own a house but my wife won't let me in so I am now homeless, no car, at least I have WA and my laptop so things are looking up. Apartments here are 60% less than the cape so if I can find an apartment It will only take up 1/2 my check, I need to make some money with WA soon.
Hey Rich;
Missed your blogs. Take care of your business and get setteled. Hope for good results.
Hey Curt, I'm back in my hometown staying at my brothers, and looking for an apartment. My saving Grace Is WA, still having my laptop, and my Golden girl and she has to stay with a friend, things are looking up. Thanks and I will be blogging soon The life and times of Rich. Loes wants me to write my memoirs'. I want to try my Steven King writing style.
Hey Rich, it's so good to hear from you and I know that everything will work out for you in due time. So keep the faith and I look forward to here all about your new place. Just take one day at a time, because that's all we get and that's all we can handle. So keep the faith!
Hey LLeary things are already looking up, Thank God. apartments are about 60% less here than on the cape, I have my friends at WA, my laptop and I have my golden girl Mi-Liegh, Thank God for the things I have. Peace Out
Hey Rich, I am so happy to hear the "Great New" Amen! Thanks so much for sharing and let me know what God has done. Giving God All the Glory Amen! Stay in touch.
Thanks man, as soon as I get an apartment I'll be ready to work, and I'm coming back and working hard. Thank God for the things I have. Peace Out
Hi Rich. I'm happy to hear from you. I was afraid that something bad happened to you. I've been out of touch also, my computer took a dump. It appears we are both in the catch up mode. Bets the hick out of the alternative.
Hi Rich,
I myself have started from 000 a few times. surely you have as well, and you know it only makes you stronger. Hang in there.
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Hey Richie
Sorry to hear about hard times!!
I'm not going to send you sunshine pictures but the best to ya and hurry back.
Hey Larry, I'm doing good, staying with my brother, looking for an apartment. I don't know how I would survive without family, I'm lucky I have 2. My brother and WA. When I get my head back I will be kicking some ass again.
Alright Richie!!
Like your positive attitude!!
Hope to see ya real soon.
Thanks Larry, meet my girls Maggie (mom) and Mi-Liegh. The thing that kills me is my mail, I am a month behind, no way I can do my back mail, any suggestions.
Sorry bro!!
I can't get into my Google account because they want to change my password so much.
That sucks, leave it to Google only Google would pull that shit.