About RichardJone5
Rank 23982
35 followers Joined May 2021
Hi my names Rich and i'm a complete beginner with no experience whatsoever, i'm also in full time employment but looking to start and grow





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asked in
WA Affiliate Program

Hi i'm on level 3 task 2 in the training and it says publish a post or a page i'm ok with posting a post but not sure how to publish a page and what content i need to put in it

You can add a post addressing an issue that's relevant to your chosen niche site.

You need fetch a keyword from the Jaaxy tool

Look for searches (avg.) above 30 and competition (qsr. ) lower than 100, the lower the qsr the better. Starter sites SEO greater than 95.


For your choice of keywords, always do an incognito search on Google before settling on a keyword, to see who appears in the top 3 positions.

Or you may do in Jaaxy tool search analysis



. https://my.jaaxy.com/training

Publishing a page is exactly the same procedure as publishing a post.
In your back office go to "Pages" > "Add New" and proceed from there.
At WA we are typically taught that pages are 'permanent' or 'fixed' and usually have a tab to get to them - usually but not always.
'Privacy' or 'About Me' pages are an example and these are navigated to via the menu.
Posts on the other hand generally appear on the 'Home' page with the most recent being at the top.
However the type of site you are building will determine how you construct your content.
At this stage of the course don't worry about it too much.
A 'Home', 'About' and 'Privacy' page is adequate.
Later on you can add an 'Affiliate Disclosure' page that can be navigated via a widget rather than in the main menu.
Typically this is done in the Footer area.
Keep on keeping on - it will all make sense eventually

If you are going to publish a page make sure it is content that doesn't change. Content like that would be informational.
Go to WordPress Backoffice hover over "pages' create a new one. save as draft until you are ready to publish.

Why can the content not be changed?
I don't think that is right.
It's the URL address (meta title) that shouldn't be changed as far as I know.

I'm just now trying to get started! So I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be doing

To publish a page, just go to Pages >> Add New.

Pages are the permanent structure of your website and are typically reached through your menus, both header and footer.

You are welcome to check out the websites listed in my profile and their menus. The menu items are pages.

Thanks that's helpful

You're welcome, Richard. My pages are mostly legal stuff in my Footer menu and product landing pages in my header menu. And, of course, my Home page, which contains what I want my visitors to see first. This varies from site to site.

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Adding a page and what content to put in it?

Adding a page and what content to put in it?

asked in
WA Affiliate Program

Hi i'm on level 3 task 2 in the training and it says publish a post or a page i'm ok with posting a post but not sure how to publish a page and what content i need to put in it

You can add a post addressing an issue that's relevant to your chosen niche site.

You need fetch a keyword from the Jaaxy tool

Look for searches (avg.) above 30 and competition (qsr. ) lower than 100, the lower the qsr the better. Starter sites SEO greater than 95.


For your choice of keywords, always do an incognito search on Google before settling on a keyword, to see who appears in the top 3 positions.

Or you may do in Jaaxy tool search analysis



. https://my.jaaxy.com/training

Publishing a page is exactly the same procedure as publishing a post.
In your back office go to "Pages" > "Add New" and proceed from there.
At WA we are typically taught that pages are 'permanent' or 'fixed' and usually have a tab to get to them - usually but not always.
'Privacy' or 'About Me' pages are an example and these are navigated to via the menu.
Posts on the other hand generally appear on the 'Home' page with the most recent being at the top.
However the type of site you are building will determine how you construct your content.
At this stage of the course don't worry about it too much.
A 'Home', 'About' and 'Privacy' page is adequate.
Later on you can add an 'Affiliate Disclosure' page that can be navigated via a widget rather than in the main menu.
Typically this is done in the Footer area.
Keep on keeping on - it will all make sense eventually

If you are going to publish a page make sure it is content that doesn't change. Content like that would be informational.
Go to WordPress Backoffice hover over "pages' create a new one. save as draft until you are ready to publish.

Why can the content not be changed?
I don't think that is right.
It's the URL address (meta title) that shouldn't be changed as far as I know.

I'm just now trying to get started! So I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be doing

To publish a page, just go to Pages >> Add New.

Pages are the permanent structure of your website and are typically reached through your menus, both header and footer.

You are welcome to check out the websites listed in my profile and their menus. The menu items are pages.

Thanks that's helpful

You're welcome, Richard. My pages are mostly legal stuff in my Footer menu and product landing pages in my header menu. And, of course, my Home page, which contains what I want my visitors to see first. This varies from site to site.

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