Getting There - Slowly But Surely

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Hi there, everyone! I wanted to take a moment to share the progress of our journey that my wife, Felicity, and I have embarked on here at WA. We dove into this adventure just over two weeks ago, and let me tell you, it has been a whirlwind of learning, hard work, and camaraderie.

The first step in our WA experience was, of course, the training. Felicity and I have been diligently working through the modules to lay the foundation for our online presence. From understanding the basics to implementing the lessons, the training has been a goldmine of knowledge. It's incredible how much we've learned in such a short period.

So far, we've only published seven articles, but we're committed to increasing our frequency soon. Writing has become a joyful part of our routine, and we're thrilled at the prospect of producing more content in the coming weeks.

One of the aspects of WA that has pleasantly surprised us is the sense of community. Whenever we hit a roadblock or have a question, we've utilized the platform to ask for help. The response from fellow community members has been nothing short of amazing.

Currently, our website isn't indexed yet, and we've encountered a hiccup. However, the Site Support team is diligently working on resolving the issue. Despite this temporary setback, we are eagerly anticipating the day when our website is indexed, and our posts start to gain visibility.

As the title of this blog goes, "Getting There - Slowly But Surely," we firmly believe in the journey we've undertaken. The process may be gradual, but every step forward is a victory. We're eagerly looking forward to the moment our posts get indexed and ranked, knowing that each milestone brings us closer to our goals.

Here's to the journey, and here's to getting there – slowly but surely!

Sergio & Felicity

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Recent Comments


Sounds like you both are moving along at a fantastic rate to me....

Learning to do something new will always take time my friends!!

My advice is just that... take your time, learn what you can and keep on moving forward at a pace you are comfortable with!

Thank you:)

You're most welcome my friend!

Slow but surely wins the race! Great to hear that things are starting to get better for you guy’s!

7 articles in 2 weeks isn’t bad at all!!

That is actually pretty good! You guy’s are doing great!

Keep it up!


Thank you:)

Your welcome!

Great to hear and when you set up GSC you will find being indexed is way faster!
Good Luck!

Kevin and Son

Thank you :)

Slowly but surely wins the race. You are doing great, and as we incorporate "speed" tools here into the platform, building a business is only going to become more and more efficient for you guys.

You are doing great, and keep us updated as you move forward...and keep the momentum rolling! :)

Thank you :)

That's great progress and momentum, Sergio :) I am super happy for you.

Thank you :)

You're welcome. Please keep us updated on your progress.

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