Critical Error - URL Inspection - Breadcrumbs

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I have been having issues with all my pages/posts on GSC. A critical error shows under the URL inspection.

ItemListElement : Either 'name' or 'item. name' should be specified

This is showing up on all my pages, I have checked the breadcrumbs are enabled on the theme and the SEO Framework. I tried deactivating the breadcrumbs on the theme and leave enabled on SEO Framework, but no changes.
I have no other SEO plugins installed.

Could this be an issue with the theme?

I have no idea how to fix this issue.

Can anyone please assist?

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Hello, I just got my entire site indexed, and it is literally having this same problem. Did anyone ever come up with a solution? I am not even sure what Breadcrumbs are, or if it is safe to just delete them, or rename them to be in compliance with Google.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Angela M.

Breadcrumbs are your site's navigation.

You may check out this RM resource, as you say you have the same error


Have you resolved the problem yet? I've got the same issue and don't know how to resolve it

I asked site support , they said they can't help me at all and have to ask the community

If your theme is a premium, you may contact the developers or try the support included within - look it up theme and click support.


Raise an inquiry with Site Support, they are usually really good and respond pretty fast too

Superb :)

Hey! Just in case, you could try to change theme. And see if it would work, but you did have site support to take a look at it, right? Weren't they able to help?

But you could try and change theme just to be sure if you want.

I echo Jonathan! 😁

I have changed the theme and made sure SEO Framework settings are correct.
I have made sure all plugins, themes, and WordPress are up to date and cleared all caches. The same error is still showing.

Site Support said they can't help me at all :(

This is very strange indeed. Now I don't know if this will work, but why not try to delete, and make a new "property" I think it is called in English right? Have no idea if this works or not, but I can't really see any other way. But did site support tell you what the problem was? Was it even something with your website?

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