Who am I? The road towards destiny.
Who am I?
This was one of the most crucial questions that I had to answer for myself very early in my teenage life. I remember literally standing in front of the mirror asking this question. Why was I created? What was I created for, to be? What is my purpose? I think I finally made peace with myself, as the years progressed. It's called contentment.
When you think about identity it might be a simple or common issue for many, but not so. Self-identity or people who are in conflict with self is one of the most profound defects within society and a dent in the armour of human nature.
"To be' or 'I am' is one of the discoveries we battle with for most of our lives. We desperately seek acceptance from others and thus allow them to define who we are. This we allow to the detriment of what we were called to be. Each individual has a unique identity and calling in life. Your life's purpose is linked to your identity. You will never know what your life is to produce unless you know who you are.
Why do young men in communities join up with gangs and totally sabotage their future? Self-identity, the need for acceptance, the need for a father figure. That total desire to hear that you are worthy and valued. These are all affirmations that we need on our journey in self-discovery.
The moment you discover self, it brings stability and security within your character. This lays the foundations for other virtues to blossom in your life. Maturity, responsibility and accountability, and then the most dynamic aspect of life, the courage to change. When you know who you are you can make peace with the fact that you have defects and move towards self-improvements without fear of reproach or shame.
My encouragement is, dare to discover you. Make peace with who you are and change the things that you can manage within yourself on your amazing journey towards destiny.
God Bless...
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To face life as it comes and to embrace the truth and the realities of your circumstances are part of living a happy and peaceful life.
Finding your true identity will open the doors of opportunity.
We are all uniquely made and have gifts and talents given to us to serve others.
Thanks for the post and all the best for 2020.
Darren :)
The ability to experience life fully begins with the acceptance of self. Otherwise we are always trying to fix, be like others or change. Just building on what we know about ourselves is enough.
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