My WA Case Study Day 1 - How Long Does It Take To Make Money?


It seems like almost everyone who joins Wealthy Affiliate has the exact same question on their mind when they come in the door. That question, “how long will it be until I make money with this?”

Because of this, I have decided to conduct kind of a crazy little project inside of Wealthy Affiliate here on my blog. I have a site that I had originally started back in January earlier this year.

Unfortunately, due to having to work insane amounts of overtime, yet again I did not get my boot camp site off the ground. If you like, you can look back through my blog and see exactly which post I’m talking about.

I believe in full transparency. I will not delete my prior blog entries even though they show that I was not consistent in the past.

What’s Going On Now?

I mentioned my prior failure because like many of you here at Wealthy Affiliate I have tried and failed to succeed in the past.

While I do have a few niche blogs that generate monthly commissions, I have never fully followed the Boot Camp and created my own make money online site. Now that I have had success with physical goods niche sites, I’ve decided that it is the time to move forward with this project.

I want to be a brand that legitimately helps others to earn a living on the Internet and directs them to quality training like that found here at Wealthy Affiliate.

How This Case Study Is Going To Work

I’m going to be running this case study for a little over a full year. It is going to begin right now, and I will finish it up on December 31 of 2018.

Every day I’m going to share with you exactly what is going on with my site. I will share how much of the training I have completed, how much I have written for the site, and anything else that I have done to further my brand.

I’m also going to be sharing how much traffic I’m seeing, and you guessed it, whether I’m seeing any referrals. Hopefully, with this case study, you can see the answer to how long it will take to make money with Wealthy Affiliate.

I will post these updates daily as I prepare to end the day. I’m hoping that it will be a lot of fun, and I hope that it will help some of you in the future to follow along and see exactly what it takes to really roll out a successful affiliate marketing website.

Currently, the site is getting no traffic. The only content that is currently on site are a few post entries that I had made in the past about my journey. None of these posts were keyword optimized, and none of them had any keyword research completed for them.

My Goal

My goals are twofold. Just like all of you here, I want to earn a full-time income online with affiliate marketing. For me, the amount I need to earn is $5000 monthly. I’m hoping that by the end of this case study I will have reached that goal.

Now, it is important to note that I will not be including any of the earnings that my other websites currently make in this case study. The point is that I want everyone to see how long it takes to make money with Wealthy Affiliate when you’re first starting out.

If I include the earnings that my existing sites make, it won’t be a fair case study.

So, my financial goal is to earn $5000 per month, which is the average salary of someone who completes a Bachelors Degree in the United States, by the end of 2018 solely from the sites that I am working on throughout the case study.

The second goal that I have is to have enough referrals in 2018 to make it to the Wealthy Affiliate Vegas Conference in 2019. Again, I believe that this is completely viable, and it is an achievable goal for the year.

Since I started the Boot Camp yesterday before beginning my workday today, I’ll go ahead and post everything that happened on day one below.

Day 1 – New Beginnings

As promised, I began following the Boot Camp training to the letter. It took several hours, but I was able to get all the way through Phase 1: Lesson 8. The important thing to note is that I completed the training as well as all the tasks in each training module.

I’ve already identified my target audience, created my About Me page, made certain that my Privacy Policy and Affiliate Disclosures are in place, and got everything set up for moving ahead with the project.

Even though it’s not included in the Boot Camp at this point, I did go ahead and register all my social media accounts for my brand name. This will allow me to help establish brand consistency as Magistudios covered in his live training a few weeks ago.

While it doesn’t sound like that much has been accomplished at the moment, it was a very busy day, and it’s laying the foundation for my success in the future with this site. As someone who is poured concrete his entire life, I understand just how important a strong foundation is to build something solid in the future.

Join In!

I’m hoping that this case study will be something that can help others in the future to see what is possible with Wealthy Affiliate. I’m also hoping that my fellow members will be willing to share their own stories along with mine throughout this journey.

The community here at Wealthy Affiliate is something that truly impresses me year after year as it continues to grow, learn, and succeed together.

Regardless of if you choose to participate in this case study with me, I wish you the best of luck with all your online business endeavors. May 2018 be the most productive year you have had with your businesses.

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Any updates?

Hey Ramona,

I will updating on February 1st as to what the first month has contained. Thank you for following along :)

This is awesome! I look forward to following you on this journey, as I am looking to start the boot camp training as well so that I can start my MMO site. I admire your motivation. Keep it up!

Thank you! I hope you enjoy it!

I am sure this will add a little extra motivation since you will be reporting every day! That is a huge commitment! I just finished a year long challenge by another member here to do posts for our websites each week. I couldn't make the deadline every week for the whole year but it really helped!

Good luck to you!

Absolutely Jessica! I think by sharing my progress here at Wealthy Affiliate, it will help to make me more accountable as I will be hoping to inspire other members of the community. Thank you for taking the time to comment and I'm glad to hear that you are completing challenges and working toward your business goals!

I might be following you to the step. I am pretty much at the same level, am at phase 2, lesson 1. Have followed through every task of it and wrote some posts and then stopped.. so I should pick up from where you go onwards easily and join the fun.


Hey Steven, it's going to be an exciting journey for both of us! Very glad to hear that your site is coming along nicely, and I look forward to hearing how you're doing when I check back in in February.

Looking forward to seeing your progression through 2018 Tony. I know it is going to be a standout year all the way and as this case study unfolds, I think you are going to be able to self reflect and make some really exciting revelations (simply because you are documenting the journey).

Wishing you nothing but success in the year ahead. ;)

Thanks Kyle I really appreciate your feedback and support! You guys have created an amazing opportunity here at Wealthy Affiliate and I can't wait to share my success stories in the near future.

A black lab and aa blank journal. A great way to start 2018 Tony!

Absolutely Michael! Thanks for taking the time to comment and I look forward to keeping everyone in the loop as 2018 progresses.

Brilliant idea. Following closely! I hope you'll also share some of the difficulties and speedhumps you negotiate along the way as part of the experience. Will you be keeping a detailed diary of your perceptions and online interactions along with your stats?

Thanks for taking time to comment Ivy. I really appreciate your feedback. After taking a long hard look at things, I've decided to update this case study monthly rather than daily.

I think over the course of time it will be much more engaging to do it this way, and yes I will be keeping a detailed diary of my perceptions online interactions along with my stats.

Sound plan. Looking forward to your posts!

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