Over 10,000 Visits in a Week - Importance of Content Creation to Convert
I wanted to share a new milestone my website hit this week. I'm actually over 11,000 and the week isn't even over yet. Every month comes up and I just keep wondering to myself how can I keep pace to continue my traffic growth at the rate of quadruple every month but it just keeps happening. I'm not looking forward to when it flat-lines so I just keep curating new content.
Month 1 - 407 visits 30 pages - 1 conversion
Month 2 - 1,387 visits 60 pagess - 2 conversions
Month 3 - 8,366 visits 85 pages - 3 conversions
Month 4 - 30,785 visits with 5 days remaining 100 pages - several conversions daily
Month 5 - ????
I have not mastered converting, PPC, and many other things in WA but I wanted to share some observations I have had and what is working for me on an Amazon Affiliate site. How my content has developed over this period and what I see on a lot of posts I read from other sites.
1. Finish your KW - You always need to think and write for exactly what your KW is. If your not providing a solution or giving your visitors adequate information about what the KW represents then they will go to other sites to continue research. Don't expect to take your customer from point A skip B,C, and D and think they are going to do E like sign up for a FREE WEBSITE or buy this product. I see this all the time and did this a lot myself. Have you given them comparisons of How WA is better than another Service or the Product A that you promote is a better value than Product B. Does you site have enough content and value to prove you are an expert. Don't limit your word count, FINISH YOUR KW.
2. Think Long Term - A lot of people get stuck in today and worry about when they will start making money and I did as well but I didn't let that deter me from TAKING ACTION. You are building a business and made practically nothing for over 3 months but what I did do was continue to prep my site to become an Authority in my product. You may not be making money now and it may take you less or more time to start but your building content that can be adjusted, ranked, and a money maker in the future.
3. Low Hanging Fruit - How it has worked for me..... here is an example KW and how the process works with Google if you are writing QUALITY CONTENT that engages readers to visit more pages, stay longer, or revisit the website.
Best Baseball Gloves for Boys aged 5 to 10 - Page 1 Rank 1 in one week(100 visits/month)
Best Baseball Gloves for Boys - Page 1 Rank 1 in 4 weeks(400 visits/month)
Best Baseball Gloves for - Page 1 Rank 1 in 8 weeks(1600 visits/month)
Best Baseball Gloves - Page 1 Rank 1 in 12 weeks(7000 visits/month)
Baseball Gloves - Page 1 Rank 1 in ? weeks(50,000 visits/month)
Each KW does not always pull a lot of visits but they can grow to be your best pages if people engage them properly because of you content. The shorter KW's take longer and yield a lot more fruit but most of the time have great competition and much harder to rank for. I don't think I outranked any Authority Site like Amazon or Ebay for the first 3 months but now it is possible because at a longer KW visitors engaged that page and Google recognizes that. If they continue to engage no matter what length of the KW it will continue to move up. My 2 word niche KW I was not on the map for but I am almost on page 2(when I started I couldn't even get on the top 20 pages) verse some of the fiercest competition for 100,000+ visits a month. BUILDING TRAFFIC IS LIKE PLANTING SEEDS IN A FIELD. Spend the time in the spring plowing, planting and watering and it will grow until you harvest everything Fall has to offer.
Conclusion - I have no idea how big my site will grow or how fast it will grow but I can continually inspire growth by TAKING ACTION DAILY. Every KW I Plant today may Harvest into something great tomorrow if I choose good LOW HANGING FRUIT, THINK LONG TERM, and FINISH MY KW to inspire engagement from visitors. Reread your old work and think about, what would you want to know about this KW? Do I complete each subject within the post? Have I provided enough information to get them to engage with the proper link(Anchor Link)? Is my conversion page a closer?
Please leave your thoughts below and tell me what works for you or what other questions you might have.
Recent Comments
Thanks for sharing this info.
I have a quick question. Since Google will eventually break down your long keyword and start ranking you for the shorter versions of your keyword. Can you still target similar keywords? Using your given keyword as an example:
"Best Baseball Gloves for Boys aged 5 to 10" will eventually get ranked for just "Best Baseball Gloves"
Can you still target "Best Baseball Gloves for High School Players" or "Best Baseball Gloves for Adult Men" (didn't research, just an example) or would these end up competing with eachother since as google starts ranking you for shorter keywords these keywords will be the same?
Thank you for this important information. Highly inspirational post.
I keep on hearing this from all successful affiliates:
"Keyword & quality content, Keyword & quality content, Keyword & quality content, Keyword & quality content".
Then I hear: Low Hanging Fruit, Low Hanging Fruit, Low Hanging Fruit,
I also hear: SEO Optimization, SEO Optimization, SEO Optimization,
and then: Google Ranking, Google Ranking, Google Ranking.
Then finally: it takes time, it takes time, it takes time, it takes time.
It's likely that these may be major trade secrets for successful affiliate marketing.
Finding the right Low Hanging Fruit Keyword via Jaxxy, then creating Quality Unique Content, and performing Optimisation (SEO) on it for the Search Engines, will get you highly Ranked in Google (and other search engines, SERPs), but as with anything, it all Takes Time :-)
I loved this and needed it. I had to let my business go a long time due to health. In the meantime it was still producing. I now have MY OWN PRODUCTS and I have been busy building social media reach, all of which I can now use!
It does take time. Thanks for the encouragement!
Very good article and a nice little motivational piece!
Thank you for the info!
Its always great to see the success stories like this and it helps us Newbs get a sense of whats coming!
Out of curiosity, now that this post is over 2 years old, how has the website your talking about come along? Where is it now?
Give us some updated stats Man!! Its like watching a tv series and not being able to watch the last season or the finale!!
Thank you!
Yes this is great insight into how the keywords are picked up by google and the process you go through.
At the moment I am trying to write a post using the KW phrase ''best headphones for smartphones'' but I am struggling with it, I've made a list of what I think is important such as, sound quality, comfort, price, look etc but I am finding it difficult I am considering putting a paragraph on how they work to get the word count up. Any ideas
Hi Ryan,
Great info, I love this method. I do have a question on #3 above.
In the four articles that you wrote and ranked for, how much overlap was there in the content? They are similar enough that i'd assume there was some overlap? Or was the content fully unique in each article?
Great job!! Hi, my name is Mario and I have been with WA 2 months, KW is my weakest point, I am trying to understand jaaxy but am still having a hard time. I just have to read more and search Jay's webinar videos it's a great resource.
Keep up the good work.
Great post.
I think what works for me is rereading older content I create for engagement from visitors.
Typically I can read better than I write from this point. I'm a good study when I read.
l, however I find I get lost in translation.
The way something stirs me or how it was phase to mean. But, because I write all the time, I see valid points later on that l never gave order to when I started to read or wrote down while I was thinking.
And of course I need to provide more post for my visitors. Writing all the time doesn't mean I will post.
However this habit is useful when engaging my own thoughts in the cases where I am not always able to catch what the subject yields. Especially if it's new material. For me all of this is new territory. Smh
Thanks again for sharing what you’ve learned along the way. It’s helped me to look for my keywords after my niche and to know what to do with my keywords too. Use them subtly in my quality content when I’m making my webpage is what I’ve gathered from your experience!
Aloha, Kevin
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I am very glad and happy for your Success. If you found a Strategy that works for you? Please keep to the same strategy and don't change a thing.
No Offense meant; and I am asking? What is a KW? Please let me know? I don't think I saw that term before: Thanks in Advance.