Backt to Basicss and Lead Magnets

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Good Evening to all you lovely people at the Great WA Family, as always do so hope that you are all keeping both safe and well.

Being honest have to admit that I decided on this title a day or so ago, however have just spent the best part of two days involved in Remembrance activities, as a result I am absolutely beat.

Did think about just going to bed and doing this tomorrow, but I will see just how long I can keep awake for!!

The Past Few Days

Continuing to sort out files and put them into some sort of order, it is obvious that I must sort out some form of development plan, otherwise I will just be wasting time yet again.

Discovered a set of videos that I have, on investigation they have turned out to be a most excellant basic training programme. Have decided to spend the next seven days or so watching this set of videos in the hope that they will not only get me fired up again, but give me ideas where I am going wrong.

I have been aware for sometime the need to produce some lead magnets or freebies, or anything that will attract people to my site.

While I have been sorting out the hard drive I have come across a number of articles that I could possibly use.

To this end I have drafted out some six possible lead magnets. The covers are started as is some of the content, I am really happy with this, as I now feel that I have a genuine starting point for the future development of the business.

As I indicated earlier I have been very busy both yesterday and today carrying out duties with regard to today being remembrance Sunday.

Ysterday it was observing the two minutes silence, today I have attended two services, laid two wreaths on behalf of the Royal British Legion, this included running the service this afternoon, with the help of the Vicar.

Delighted that all events have been very well attended, it does show that the past still means a lot to the current generation.

Another pleasing aspect was the number of young children who took part in the services today.

The service which took place this morning found me talking to a former serviceman, when I had asked a few qustions, it transpired that not only we met before around twenty years or so, also on Remembrance Sunday, but that he has now settled in the area and wishes to join the local branch. So this was avery worthwhile, but chance meeting.

The Next Few Days

Once I have cleared two days of emails and posted this weeks article on the website, it will be time to look at the videos that I have found, then develop the lead magnets that have been started. Hopefully one will run into the other.


A very mixed bag this week, it has kept me very busy, but I have enjoyed it.

As I often say think that I can see the logic of what I am doing.

Glad that I am doing the conclusion, as I really must stop and go to bed.

Be Happy, Healthy and Wealthy.

Please do stay safe,

Good Night and God Bless.


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Recent Comments


Hello VH

It sounds like we've both been involved in events outside WA.

I don't know how to say "no" so I've been working on 2 of the 3 projects I've taken on for my church. I don't know WHY I do these things. I take on so much then stress because I want it all to work out perfect. I'm almost done then Monday will start the 3rd (and LAST) project. 🙂

Well, I'm really tired tonight. This running around is tiring. 😏 I didn't want you to think I forgot about you though.

So, you have an awesome week (or what's left of it).

Take care
Your VW

Hi VW,

Did guess that you were tied up in some project or other, you are like me, you find it hard to say No.

Just put your feet up relax, chill and open a bottle of wine.

Take care, do not over do it.

As always,

Your VH

After all of your exploits over the last week, which are most appreciated by us all at this important time of year...

Get some must needed rest and relaxation Stuart!

Your business isn't going anywhere in the next couple of days my friend... take care of yourself ok! :-)

Hi Jessie,

Your kind comments are very mush appreciated.

Have had no choice but to slow down, just cannot hack the pace anymore, so thanks for the advice. :-)

You're most welcome as always Stuart, enjoy the rest of the week and relax ok! :-)

Sure will!! :-)

I'm very happy to hear that my friend! :-)

Have done a little but not a lot - promisse!! :-)

I'll take your word for it Stuart!!

Have a wonderful start to the weekend my friend! :-))

Great to hear of your service events yesterday. Glad all went well. You’ve been extra busy! Hope you have a super new week.


Hi Susan, many thanks for your comments, they did leave me a little drained!! May you also have a fabulous new week.

Thanks, Stuart! Most appreciated.

Stuart, sounds as though 👌 you were busy, take it a bit easy, and enjoy 😉 your Sunday evening.


Thanks Larry, did try to relax.

Stuart, 😊


Wow, Stuart! It seems that you ended up getting a lot done this week! Well done, and enjoy your new week!


Hi Jeff, thanks as always. Have a great new week.


You bet, Stuart! Cheers!


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