My New Google Badge Means Positive Progress
It is hard to believe that I have already received a Wealthy Afiliate Google Badge, which means that my website has been ranked in the Google search engine. That is especially cool, since I only became a member four days ago.
The reason may be that my domain name has been in existence for a while, although it has been inactive for many months. Even though the website was in a pretty lame state before I had to take it down, it at least existed somewhere within the Google ecosystem.
I am curious ... do any of you with knowledge of Google's inner workings have thoughts about how this occurred so quickly? Is my guess correct, or is there some other reason why the addition would happen so quickly?
No matter the reason, this is an encouragement to 1) stay the course, 2) consistently and diligently go through each training module, and 3) keep working hard to move the ball forward every day. Positive progress is a good thing, and I will take all I can get!
I am thankful to have received some great advice so far and plan to lean heavily on the experience and advice of the ones who have actually had success here on WA. There is a piece of the pie waiting for me ... and for you!
Have a fantastic day, fellow travelers!
Recent Comments
That's awesome! You've earned it friend. Having a positive outlook on such accomplishment will help you to reach success. All the best!
Thank you! You have some great questions and answers I just accessed via your Profile. Will definitely be looking through those as issues come up. I look forward to learning more from your content.
Thank you, Helen. I have a friend who will probably enjoy your paleo website and will send her a link to it. Have a great day!!
Hi there probjr
Yes, your new google badge means your making positive progress.
They say 'positive mindset' is a hugh key to success in anything,
Thank you for your follow at WA.
Keep moving forwards with that positive frame of mind of yours.
Have a nice day. Great smile on your profile Picture too!
That is so kind, Clare. Thank you. I hope you have a most excellent day!!
Thank you I will.
And I will have a happy Halloween weekend too. You have a great week as well....See you around WA!