Go through the training during this time at home
Instead of wasting this time watching too much netflix or youtube I encourage all to go through the training and earn your badge for completing this. This shows you have graduated from the training and means you know know more about building a solid business online then over 90 percent of the people online today and thats huge.
It is also good idea to redo the training if you have put your business on hold for a while and getting back into it like I am.
Im now going over the 3rd part of the training and hope to complete it this week.
There are 5 parts of the lessions with 10 sections each. So go through each section at a time and try to complete a part every week by doing a bit each day.
My biggest obsticle of completing the training was by being distracted online instead of staying focused and thats what im learning to do now by being clear on how long it will take me to do each part of the training and working on gaining my badge of completion.
Im learning to put off my distrations untill I have earned my badges by doing the work first them giving myself a reward of destraction after as that feels so much better having faced my fear first then enjoying the good feeling of reward and time out.
have you started to complete all the training and if not what has been holding you back i would love to know as we can help eachother here.
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This current down time is the perfect time to do this Peter!