Earthquake In Mexico. My heart is broken.


My heart is broken right now. After seeing the images of the earthquake in Mexico today, I have not able to work on my website just because my heart and mind are there
At this moment we are going through so many natural disasters, and many people are suffering around the world, but as a Mexican, it hurts to see my country going through another earthquake that brings so much death and destruction.
Mexico is a strong country due to its people, so, they will outgrow it too; but the pain and the wounds will remain for eternity.

For now, We can only pray and ask God our Lord strength for the rescuers who are trying to rescue the people buried under the rubble as well as the people who have lost their friends and family.

Mexico you are in my heart.


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Praying for God's mercy for the people of Mexico. May He show them comfort and peace.

not to take away from what you're feeling but in the bible they often talk of 7-year cycles for fast or famine. Even when it comes to nature we have years of relative calm and then years where you hear blizzards, hurricanes, and earthquakes

It's terrible to see so many destructions by nature, and by human interference. May God be with the affected. I pray for wisdom, safety, and peace for all humanity.

Are there any data on how many families are affected?

Unfortunately thousands and more than 200 deaths for now :(

What we can do now is to pray for the comfort of those families who have lost their loved ones and may God intervenes in their own sorrows giving peace. Also, his hands working through people to help alleviate family victims.

corazón de México!

Praying for Mexico

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