How to Write Attention-Getting Blog Titles


I just accidentally stumbled upon this helpful blog post this morning and felt like it had a lot of useful information for all of us here at WA. That's why I'm going to share it here with all of you. Writing blog posts is a challenge for many of us, but coming up with suitable titles that compel readers to come and read our posts is even more challenging. These ideas may help:

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Thanks Pat - always useful.

I haven't tripped over anything this useful in a long time (outside of WA). I don't know if this blogger is a WA member or not, but she really peaked my interest. Glad you liked it, too.


That was a load of information! I sure wish I could remember it all! I have to take notes and they are not always as good as the info. Boy could I build an incredible website if I could only incorporate everything I have read and been told about websites.
Thanks for adding to the knowledge!

Glad you liked it, Terea!

Hi Pat! That was an interesting read! Thank you so much for posting it for all of us! I realized I'm missing a few! EEEK! Back to work . . . .

It certainly gave me some neat ideas for blog posts on my niche website! There's enough there to last awhile! LOL

Very informative Pat, thanks for that..

You are welcome, Hari!

Thanks for sharing.

You are always welcome!

"98" helps 100s to write snazzy blog titles. Thanks, Pat!
:) G!

You are so very welcome, George! That 98 surprised me this morning!

Pat, thanks for sharing. Debbie

You are very welcome. I don't share a lot of things here on the blog area, but when I find something really helpful, I am eager to share with my WA friends.

For the past three years, I've been writing a weekly health & wellness e-newsletter. Writing the information is the easy part ... it's the titles that are the hardest! You have helped me so very much; please know how appreciative I am to you! God Bless! ~Cathy

You are so welcome, Cathy. Writing those titles has been my nemesis, too! I thought this blog was extremely helpful, and I've bookmarked it for frequent use!

This looks really good, Pat, thanks.

I thought so, too, Rick. Having those templates will help generate a lot of clever titles.

Very helpful tips, thanks.

You are very welcome, RateClip. They should help a lot of us who struggle with writing engaging titles.

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