I Don't Hate Blogging!

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I never thought much about blog posts. As I started blogging with Wealthy Affiliates and reading the blogs of other members, I don't remember why I thoughts blogs would be boring.

I can find some of the best information out there by reading blogs.

Wealthy Affiliates (WA) is to be commended for giving beginners like me, as well as others the chance to succeed at writing and posting their writing online, and getting indexed in Google.

You cannot imagine my pleasant surprise when I started receiving emails that my post had been indexed in Google. How?......I simply followed the training and resources provided by WA.

I ran into some road blocks with my website not showing up when entered, but I discovered the problem and fixed it. I've been with WA for about 4 months and was wondering why none of my post were being monetized. I really hope I solved that problem.

It is so much fun and it's exciting to come up with ideas to blog about with the help of WA.

I'm not able to spend as much time as I need to in training, but still, this journey with WA is freakin awesome!

Thanks a million Wealthy Affliates.

Be Blessed Everyone and Be A Blessing

Patti B

The Good Steward

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Recent Comments


Congratulations WA is a great platform for any online
business and writing anything could be considered a
blog when you think about it LOL :)

I love reading the posts by members who say that they hated writing essays in school, but it's much easier to write blog posts. You're discovering something similar - it's pretty fun, isn't it?

Blogs and blogging is the lifeblood of the internet, we can learn and share so much, we are definitely in a very good space here in WA to learn and grow.

It's amazing how informative blogging can be. The more you research, the more you learn; the more you learn, the more you want to share. Thanks for posting!

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