(Online Success) The Chinese Bamboo Business Analogy!
Oh my, two blog posts in two days, how very un-Partha-like.
And this too is going to be a short one.
What’s going on I hear you cry!!!
We’ll call these “Partha-Shorts”.
In fact, if Kyle allows me to video blog, we’ll have Partha Shorts everyday!!
Well, that’s ruined that, no video blogs for me!!! LOL!
Anyway, let me get to the point.
I have a favourite podcaster that I listen to every morning.
It’s Rob Dial AKA The MIndset Mentor.
Basically, Rob has a podcast, which you can access for FREE via Spotify, Apple iTunes, and he even now has a YouTube channel (plus, he’s a very good-looking guy, if that’s your kinda thing, LOL, so you can watch all dreamy-eyed on YouTube until your heart’s content).
One of the main reasons I like listening to Rob is that he’s “My Kinda Person”.
In fact, from listening to his stories from over the years, I see a lot of similarities.
He’s worked hard, travelled a lot, was a “party-boy” in his younger days, and he’s not adverse to churning out a few expletives during his podcast.
I actually like his take on this.
He’s mentioned that for his first 3-4 years of podcasting he NEVER swore, as he was afraid of offending listeners.
He then realised that this wasn't him.
Not that he has a nasty mouth or anything, but he just often swears in everyday life (SNAP!!! Hahaha!!)
And realistically, if someone is offended BY A WORD (and that’s all they are, WORDS), well that’s their issue, and not his.
Funnily enough, his podcast literally blew up into a MASSIVE success once he STARTED TO BE HIMSELF, which included swearing freely when it was called for (I know what you’re gonna say, it’s never called for… well, I’ve got TWO WORDS for you **** *** Hahaha!!)
Anyway, once you’ve listened to Rob for a while you’ll note he has two very distinct stories that he often mentions.
So, let me share those with you now, and you will hopefully see how this applies to YOUR ONLINE BUSINESS.
Okay, a Chinese Bamboo or Lucky Bamboo is the first one.
Basically, you plant a Chinese Bamboo, you then water it as you would any tree or plant.
You water it regularly a couple of times a week.
At the end of the first year do you know what you can see?
Absolutely nothing has grown out of the ground.
So, you continue to water the plant/tree (that you can’t see) regularly for another year.
At the end of year two - NOTHING!
Guess what??
At the end of year three - NOTHING!
At the end of year four - NOTHING!
It actually takes until the fifth year for the Chinese bamboo to sprout.
And in that fifth year the tree can grow up to 80 feet.
In fact, it is said that during one of its growth spurts, the tree grows 2 feet in ONE DAY.
So, you could in effect sit in front of a Chinese bamboo for 24 hours and actually watch it grow in front of your eyes.
Crazy, right?
During the first 5 years do you know what that tree is doing?
It is doing the same as ALL trees, it grows DOWN first.
It’s the ROOTS that grow first.
Basically, the tree has to LAY ITS FOUNDATION.
And this takes up to 5 YEARS.
The Chinese Bamboo (and all trees for that matter) need a strong root system to grow down-and-down-and-down first, so that it is capable of standing up straight when fully grown.
If ever you stop watering that Chinese bamboo in the first 5 years, EVEN THOUGH YOU CAN’T ACTUALLY SEE ANYTHING HAPPENING WITH YOUR OWN EYES, it will DIE!!
In other words, in order to produce the perfect Chinese Bamboo, you have to work on it and care for it for FIVE YEARS without knowing whether it’s going to grow or not.
BUT, as long as you don’t give up, and continue to nurture that tree it will experience extraordinary and out-of-this world growth in year 5.
Are you getting me?
Secondly, Rob often talks about his own podcast.
And for any experienced bloggers/website creators, this will ring very, very true.
When Rob created and released his first ever podcast he received 44 downloads on the first day.
He continued to work on creating podcasts 3 times a week.
His knowledge grew, and he understood the “algorithms” better and eventually after his first year he was getting 80,000-100,000 downloads PER MONTH.
This figure stuck FOR THE NEXT THREE YEARS.
He continued to get 80,000-100,000 downloads every month for the next 36 months.
All the self-doubt started to creep in.
His business had plateaued, it wasn’t growing, even though he had created and published over 500 ADDITIONAL podcasts during that time.
500 Additional podcasts = NO GROWTH.
He thought about giving up.
He thought he didn’t have what it takes to get to the “NEXT LEVEL”.
But, Rob persisted.
By the end of his 4th year he had totalled 3.5 million downloads since he first started his podcast.
He moved into year 5, stayed focused on his goals, and continued to create podcasts.
And then, as if by magic (with a few swear words thrown in for fun) BOOM!!!
His podcast EXPLODED.
4 years to 3.5 million downloads in TOTAL.
By year 5 he was getting 4 million downloads PER MONTH!!
Even when times were hard, his business had plateaued, no growth, motivation was low, but he kept at it.
And just like that Chinese Bamboo, if you stay consistent, even when it seems as though NOTHING IS HAPPENING, you just never know what is around the corner.
In a world where we constantly look for INSTANT GRATIFICATION, why not learn the skill of FUTURE GRATIFICATION.
And if you need help to change that mindset, well Rob’s podcast will DEFINITELY help you do this.
Oh, and btw, anyone looking for a new niche - Chinese Bamboo - a TWO-WORD BROAD KEYWORD has a Quora result and a Pinterest result on page one!!!
And that’s without even finding any PROPER (Partha-Style) longtall keywords!!
I want you ALL to treat your online business like a Chinese Bamboo.
Keep watering on a regular basis, even though you see NOTHING happening.
If you continue to nurture that business, control your negative mindset when times are bad, and you feel like giving up, YOU TOO could experience “2 feet of growth in a day” and “80 feet of growth in a year”.
Do You Get Me?
Thank You For Reading
Recent Comments
Hi Partha,
This analogy is so relevant in business, especially for us as bloggers. I love it a lot!
I've been listening to the Mindset Mentor for over a year, so I heard this episode recently. Rob's podcast is so valuable- I highly recommend every WA member give him a listen.
But it's something I keep in mind all the time now. I'm only in year 2 of business and have not seen explosive growth yet.
So, I tell myself: To keep going and stay consistent. When the time comes, my business will experience that big moment down the road (just like with the Chinese Bamboo).
All in all, I loved reading the post you did. Thanks for sharing :)
I love that Chinese bamboo analogy. Basically, your business/niche is like a seed; you have to plant the seed, water it and nurture it for it to grow...then you plant the seeds that your fruits (or flowers) have produced. This was just what I needed to read so I could get out of this rut I've been in for the past couple of weeks
Good morning Partha,
Thank you for another excellent blog post, as usual!
That is an excellent example, we hear about many examples of sowing and reaping, and online business is no different!
I must admit five years to get the bamboo growing is remarkable and then 2 feet of growth in a day, that's remarkable! I think after a few months, there may be a temptation not to water the bamboo, however, they have to keep plodding on as we do with our online business!
Have a great Sunday.
Ok, Partha, but what if you've been peeing on it instead of watering it, does it still work...Hahaha...just kidding!
But seriously, this is good stuff!!!
Not just the same old never give up, but that we should keep working at it even when it appears as if nothing is happening.
Because even though we aren't seeing anything for the time being and might not for a long time; if we stay positive & persistent throughout, the groundwork is being laid behind the scenes to make for a successful long-term sustainable business!!!
I get you and I'm with you!!!
Thanks for the Princely🤴 Pep talk!
Your Loyal Royal👑 Supporter :)
Zach "The Prosperous view" aka "Zach "The Xylophone"
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Excellent post Partha. Thanks for the podcast resource as well.