Don't let this Fubar your Brain
Ever write your blog posts while watching TV? Sitting in on a conference call? Listening to the crap in a open office?
You’re asking your brain to divide its attention and like it or not, it can’t do that. Our brains are not capable of focusing on multiple tasks at once. They simply aren’t ! We think they are, but what’s happening is your brain is jumping back and forth between the tasks, trying to focus briefly one at a time.
And not only can our brains not make it happen, but can get FUBAR, when we try to force them ( if you don't know what Fubar, means, private message me, and I will explain).
Constant interruption (which is what multitasking is) brings on higher levels of stress. It’s intellectual over over load, and it dulls your brain and our reaction times.
According to a study at the University of Sussex, constant multitasking actually damages your brain. They found out that people who regularly multitasking have lower brain density in the region of their brain responsible for empathy, cognitive control and emotional control.
The good news is that you can fix that damage, the study found, if you take up activities that require concentration or make changes to the things distracting you. Work on one thing at a time, in a place where you can concentrate.
So Stop. Don’t multitask. Don’t damage your brain. Because that’s going to have an effect on your writing, obviously, as well as how you cope with the rest of the workload that content marketing requires.
Maybe this will help you to understand where I am comiing from.
My point is, after all the brain cells that are gone, all the work and, yea, drinking I use to do, I can still see the errors of my ways.
I reckon I should stop now, before I get carried away.
Thanks for reading,
Al (PaPaGrizz) Nelson
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I had to read when I saw Fubar in the title. I agree 100%, I have fallen asleep typing. Unfortunately I posted it to my site as well and then asked for feedback which was better then asking for comments on my site. My feedback said that it was a good web site, but my page was full of bad grammar. When I went and looked at it all I could do was laugh, it was horrible.
Definitely can't multi-task or work when you are tired, falling asleep in your recliner.
Thanks for the reply Robert. I was having a moment and I couldn't fit it a post in one of my sites. If I can inspired when I'm writing for my sites, I'll be golden. LOL
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So true! Thanks for the reminder!