Let's Go: Just Upgraded!


I signed up just a few hours ago with a free account.

Well, I was "sold" by the end of video/lesson 4, but was planning on waiting until payday. Happy to announce, when I showed my wife the platform, she said, "Why wait... you're going to sign up anyway, right?"

So excited to be here. Looking forward to working with you all.

So, let the games begin! 😎

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Hello James

Welcome to Wealthy Affiliate

Congratulations on your Premium Plus membership! It's great to have you here and I'm glad you are enjoying things so far. WA is amazing and there is no better place to be if you want build an online business.

You made the right decision upgrading your membership and I'm glad you listened to your wife. You now have full access to all the training and tools you need to learn, build and grow your online business.

I wish you good luck and all the best going forward. I look forward to hearing things go and seeing your progress. If you ever need a hand or if you have any questions let me know. I will be more than happy to help you out. All the best to your success.



Yesss! welcome to you!

Hi OGJAnthony
Welcome to WA, it's good to see that you've joined the WA community. Like you I am still a newbie and just starting out with my niche website.
Keep learning and working on your business.
All the best to you.

Congrats and welcome aboard!

Hi James - so awesome to have you on board at WA as a Premium Plus member :)

The fact that you took action so quickly is going to move you forward that much quicker. To generate revenue online, you need the training, the support, the websites, the tools, the AI platforms and amazing community of like minded people to help!

I look forward to getting to know your, learn about your biz, and help out at each step of the way.

You've come to the right place to build an online business and I think you'll look back at this decision to upgrade to Premium Plus+ as a significant milestone in your journey :)


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