So I'm finding that I am being overloaded with information. It seems that every problem I encounter with my website requires additional learning to fix it. I'm being diverted to the world of higher knowledge.
While this is not necessarily a bad thing, it's very time consuming and brain overloading. Wow! I had no idea this would be so complicated. The WA training is pretty straight forward but for a complete Internet Entrepreneur newbie it can be pretty overwhelming.
But like they say, nothing worth having ever comes easy. So I will continue to muddle through all this extra learning I have to do and them come back around to the basics.
Thank God for all the wonderfully helpful people here at WA. I truly dont know what I'd do without you.
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I always thought I knew at least a little bit. But no, not much. Like you, every door I open leads to 5 more. Just keep on keeping on...just think how knowledgeable we’ll be down the road! Best wishes to you!
Fully understand where you are at as I have been there many times .When the " quitting voice" tries to arise in me and I say clearly NO...NO... NO... I will persist, I will persevere... but also be patient.
It's true! There is a ton of stuff to learn. We are having to go back over things repeatedly and add new training as we go along.
Just take your time with it and know we are with you on the journey.
C & P
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Yes, the WA learning curve can be a nice gentle slope, then you find yourself 90 degree rock climbing
For sure! That's exactly what it feels like at times...LOL