JetPack Plugin and Traffic Sources


I have the JetPack plugin on my site and I love checking the stats like I'm watching some really, really....reaaalllly slow race or sporting event. So far my only source of traffic has been unknowns (which, I think means the view is just a spider?) and my links on my social media pages that I've spammed out to friends and families.

I just checked I have my first Search Engine term source! Unfortunately, its from a search engine that does not share data, according to the wordpress FAQ, so I can't see what keyword they hit, but still! Im esctatic!

It's just neat to see that very very first step towards a payoff - my writing abilities getting me ranked in search engines - no matter how small.

Anyone else new out there getting their first bit of search engine traffic? Or anyone experienced out there like to share their early moments of drawing in traffic?


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Google Analytics and Webmaster Tools is the way to go. This training takes you thru installing both without a plugin In addition to the tracking information. both of these free google tools add even more value to your quest for search traffic.

Hey I followed all the instructions...copied and pasted the code in the editor right before </head> and updated it...but when i go back to google analytics, it says by the tracking ID - tracking not installed. And when I went to webmaster tools and chose the google analytics method it said: "The Google Analytics tracking code on your site looks malformed."
The weird thing is when I go to Real-time overview in google analytics, when I have my website open in the next browser, it says "1 active visitor on site" and when I close my website, the number changes to 0, which means it is tracking properly.
Any idea what's wrong with that?

that sometimes happens. tracking is obviously working.That's why I gave the final step, verifying with meta tag.

You might also want to take a look at this piece of excellent training by Craig (@welshy) Rich.

thanks both of you...will do!

@bothewebguy - when it didn't work I just stopped to try and figure out why...didn't see the next part. I did it and it worked. Thanks so much!

I've had nothing but trouble with JetPack myself. It's made my WordPress blank out and I've had to delete the plugin via FTP in order to get my site back.


I think "stat gazing" is part of the learning process, we all do it! That said, as soon as the addiction passes, I'd ditch Jetpack. It's 14-in-1 bloatware, riddled with bugs, and places a huge "load" on your site by making unnecessary calls to WordPress.COM. Rich.

Are there other, less bloated plugins for stat gazing? Or other methods in general?

Thanks for the advice!

There are numerous options, however I think most people just rely on the stats provided by Google Analytics and Webmaster Tools. It's worth bearing in mind that WordPress is *opensource*, anyone can develop and list themes and plugins, not all are good, some are deliberate *malware*. You should always have an automated backup system in place, in case a dodgy theme or plugin misbehaves and you need to rewind. Rich.

Was just looking into GA when I saw this response. And I've read the training on the plugins but thank you for posting, I am sure others who find their way to this post will find it of use! I rarely use plugins, really. Too confusing for just now. LOL.

Hey that's awesome! I've actually been trying to figure out how to see my traffic...and apparently you're doing it. Would you be able to tell me how? I'd love to watch that slow, slow race!

I can most certainly try! I am assuming you use wordpress? I just downloaded the JetPack plugin and it gathers all the info. You have to sign into a wordpress account so sign up if you don't have one (the .com not the .org if I am not mistaken)

Once you have that done, the JetPack plugin will get its own bar in the dashboard of your site to the left, just hover over it and slick "Site Stats"

I have a wordpress app on my phone. Whats interesting is when I view stats from my app, I can even see what country views are coming from, but I can't find out how to see the countries on my PC version.

Thanks so much! I did it! Says that my stats will begin appearing in 20 minutes...psyched! Thanks again1

Yay! Glad I could help! Now I think it only provide stats from when you installed it onward, not before. So depending on your traffic flow, could take a small bit to get it going. I noticed a pleasant spike after my first facebook share. :)

Word of caution: watching is addictive!

Oh god, wooooh! I got a little nervous when I saw not one good to know that! Thanks again!

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