We Need Others to Help Us With Our Ideas!

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Quote of the Day:

“Everyone has an idea, but it’s really about executing the idea and attracting other people to help you with the idea.” Jack Dorsey

Meaning of the Quote:

We all have ideas in our heads, but we have to transfer them into the real world so that they become things. Then we have to entice others to support our ideas so that they can expand and become ventures.

Discussion of the Quote:

Absolutely, we all have our individual ideas, but to make them realities, we have to move them from the world of ideas to the real world so that they become things. Then we have to attract others to our ideas so that they can help us to expand and grow our ideas and make them greater in the real world.

We want our customers, clients or supporters of our ideas to become our cheerleaders. With their support and loyalty, our ideas ventures can expand and as a result increase our sales so that our ventures can continue and survive in the business world. However, we have to be responsible for implementing the fundamentals to allow the development and growth of our ventures.

Final Thoughts:

Ideas can remain as ideas in our heads if we do nothing with them. In order for them to grow and expand, we have to transport them into the real world and create ventures around our ideas. Therefore, we have to provide the required environment that our ideas need to blossom and survive in the world of business. However, we all need the help and support of people to expand and grow our ideas - ventures by being our loyal, unique and returning customers.

I appreciate your time, comments and likes.

To our success

Kind regards,


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Recent Comments


Many people have ideas. It is how you go about assessing and implementing them that is key.

Hi Hugh,

You are so right! I appreciate your time and your valuable contribution to this discussion. Have an awesome Sunday! Wishing you the very best!

Kind regards,

You are welcome Nichola


I'm not a big fan of Jack Dorsey, Nichola!

Hi Jeff,

Oh Boy! Thanks for stopping by and letting me know that! Have a great Sunday! Wishing you the very best!

Kind regards,

He censors too much, Nichola, and I have no respect for someone who suppresses free speech!


Got you!😃🤩

I'm glad you understand! 😎👍👍



We do not have a monopoly of ideas. The same idea is given to more than one person. If you delay in implementing your idea, some other person would implement the same idea.
Most times we need an associate, a partner, or a mentor to partner with us in bringing our idea to light

Hi Dada,

Thanks for stopping by and sharing your valuable thoughts and experiences! Have an awesome Sunday! Wishing you the very best!

Kind regards,

A timley reminder, Nichola, that extra set of eyes can make the world of difference with any project.

Hi Alex,

Indeed, it does! I appreciate your time and valuable comment. Have fantastic Sunday! Wishing you the very best!

Kind regards,

My father used to tell me that I was full of ideas but that I needed to pick one or two and focus on them. Good advice.

Hi Jim,

Indeed, you have to focus on just a few because you can not spread yourself too thin. I appreciate your time and your feedback. Have a great Sunday! Wishing you the very best!

Kind regards,

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