Hard Work Always Pay Off

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It has been three (3) months since we moved in to our new home. A beautiful little house in a country side housing estate. We call the estate a community since it has more than 300 houses with few common facilities.

It is a good 30minutes drive out of the big city. My wife as she says it 'the drive is therapeutic' and she's right. I never thought a troublesome day at work can be soothed by the drive with good music and just conversation(with her always on my side).

Now back to my evening inspiration. We moved in to an empty house and plain yard, no lawn, no flowers. It was just bare land outside and empty inside. We gathered our self and started working to make the place a home. What inspired me was our backyard garden.

The day we moved in we started planting flowers and a few edible plants. We got some lawns grass from my mother's yard and nurtured them out on our own yard. Since the yard was back filled and very dry we had to water everything in the mornings and evenings. Every single day we did little tasks in and around the yard.

After 2 months our lawn was looking green and healthy and all other plants bloomed. Our neighbors commented that it took very little time for our garden to take shape. In fact the quick turn around time also surprised us since many neighbors yards still hardly have anything growing.

It's 3months now and we slowed down on watering but the plants are now in natural growing stage.

We started harvesting the lemon grass and kang kong (water spinach) very early at 2months, pumpkin tips and aibika at 3 months. It's a saving on our fresh market expenditure.

The shade trees are now growing naturally and taking shape. Not to mention the beautiful color of morning glory flowers and frangipani blooming.

All this little success happened within 3months.

First month - planting and watching the empty flower bed

Second month - nurturing little sprouts and small harvest

Third month - nurture and harvest

Fourth and so fort - harvest


You can pick out the inspiration within. My take:

  • Everything that we do today will determine progress and more importantly what we'll reap.
  • Set goals and work towards achieving them by ticking off daily tasks.
  • Nurture your business at the early stage, it'll grow naturally when the time is right
  • Keep working on your online business even if there's no revenue coming through at this stage. It will either flourish one day or teach you a better way earn online. Quit will only lead to failure and regret.
  • Hard work does pay off

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Recent Comments


There's no doubt about it hard work yields dividends. It may take a while for you to start seeing the result of your labor but if you do not relent, it will surely come.

Encouraging post
As long as do things little by little
We will reap the benefits

*** Yes, your garden sounds wonderful!! ...

And indeed, nurture and work your plan to Big Success,

YOU CAN do IT !!

as YOU and Success are already Great Friends,

all the very best, cheerio ... :)) ***

Wow! That's the spirit. Nothing
works unless you work it.

In any endeavor, you have to be
persistent and consistent to see
the end results and the important
thing is your journey towards it.

Yes, I would love some kangkong,
please, thank you.

Excellent Nganga.



Hard work always pay off, not once have I ever known working hard and I didn’t reap the benefits of it.

Keep working hard for success is in sight. Blessings.

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