Everyone is Naturally a Buyer and a Seller

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Most of my clients have a fear of sales. They want to do things anonymously so people don't realise they are trying to sell. More times than not it backfires.

So, I tell them ...

Sales are a natural part of life - the food you eat, the clothes you wear. You bought it because someone was selling it. Imagine your diet lacked iron and you needed to buy iron rich foods to add to your daily diet. You would need to know what iron rich foods are and find someone who sells them. That information would be from the internet or friends. Yet how many think that recommendations are selling?

Do you have a partner; husband; wife; boyfriend; girlfriend or friends? Then you were selling who you are. You had to stand out from the competition for them to know you existed so they could become part of your life. You didn't think about it as sales. You thought more about building a relationship because you wanted that person to be with you.

People make sales sound complicated.

However, sales is simply finding what people want and letting them know where they can get it.

My tips for selling are

  • Be a buyer and share your experiences with a product or service.
    • Share what you like and don't like.
    • Share why you prefer this product over the others in the market place but remember not to trash the competition.
  • Be authentic, by being you.

Sales is like balancing on a seesaw. On one side are buyers and on the other side sellers. Both need each other because without buyers there aren't sellers and without sellers there can't be buyers. They can move from side to side and the seesaw remains balanced because everyone is naturally a buyer and a seller.

Think of your online business as being on the seesaw. Be a buyer and know the ins and outs of what your product or service has to offer. Then you can be a seller because you understand what buyers need and how your product/service will help them.

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Selling is a subtle art; we all have to "sell" in many areas of our lives to varying degrees Karen.
In my experience what people fear is appearing like the stereotypical second-hand car salesman.
Any call to action is either asking for a sale or asking someone to take a step leading to a sale.
No Sales = No Business.


Good points!

I have also found that if you can identify people's problems and solve them with your product offerings, you will make a sale.

Great way of looking at things. I don't think of my friends recommendations as sales pitches but really they are. If I recommend something, then I, too, am a sales rep!

If we speak honestly about things I think that can make all the difference in how we represent not only ourselves, but the things we are trying to sell!


There are many styles of salesmanship. I think what many people fear is becoming like the proverbial pushy used car salesman or the stressful high pressured timeshare salesman. Each of us can choose what kind of sales person we want to be. Find a style that fits your personality and then you will become comfortable in sales.

Why would I fear sales?

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