INTERESTED in a Breakthrough? JOIN the 7 days challenge!

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Who is interested in having a breakthrough?

You're still having doubts and wanting some sort of positive release and outcome.

Probably a positive turning point?

Or you want a jump-start of your weekly post?

I was thinking of hosting a 7 days challenge while also taking part

This is a positive activity where you challenge yourself to be your most productive in 7 days.


Only 3 main rules

  • No negative thoughts or naysayers attitude
  • No 'can't follow through or giving up behaviour or thoughts
  • Absolutely NO EXCUSE!

But you can have as many of these as you wish

  • Encouragement
  • I can and I will attitude.
  • Questions to help along the way

Ideally, this is what the challenge will be about

Write at least 4 articles for your website for the week. Each day I will be posting an activity for us all to do. It must be completed by the end of that day.

We will be also using your social media of choice to post and link your website to encourage organic traffic.

And if there is something that you can also create from your posts, (e-book, template. checklist or guide), anything to break down your post and make it easier for your customers, then we will also complete that activity

Things you NEED to know beforehand

  • Your niche
  • Your target audience
  • How to use keywords

If you're interested, please let me know in the comments below.

Until next time


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Recent Comments


Hi Simone,

I'm in!

When do we start?

Have a wonderful day!

Brilliant, Brandaley ;)
The first task is tomorrow

Sounds Good!
See you there!


Definitely ;)

Simone, I may jump in1


Be prepared for the first task tomorrow

This is your breakthrough mamacitaa💃

Are you interested?

Hahaha, how many a day. And video….
Jedi writers anonymous.
I can feel the scream of the “ cursives”, the ripostes of the quivering question marks and the inquisitive exclamation marks.
1500 word posts and 3 minute videos.

My friend in crime lol
It is 7 days only and just for others to challenge themselves
The words count is yours to make

Yes i am intersted

Do you have a niche?
Target audience?
Know about keywords?

i didn't have yet ,but i am going to write about health related issues since i am a medical doctor in my career

No worries
There will also be resources and home work to guide you along the way
See you tomorrow

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