What Worked In 2019. What I'm Doing In 2020.

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Lots happened in 2019, and December is always a good time to look back on what worked, what didn't, then re-evaluate for 2020.

Two 2019 Strategies That Worked For Me

1. Write Content NOT Found In Keyword Tools

Keyword tools like Jaaxy are great for guidance. They can tell you what could be a profitable niche site topic, or help you discover new article topics to write about. I also like to use them to help me figure out the best phrasing for a post title (e.g. best way to lose weight VS best weight loss methods).

However, keyword tools are just machines, and based on historical data. As an expert in your niche, you'll know a lot more!

In 2019 I spent more time thinking about what someone would search for, rather than just consulting a keyword tool. Not all of these posts worked out, but some really did well. The best thing about this strategy, is that no one else will discover those ideas using any tool!

2. Updating Old Content

I've written before about how updating old content can increase your rank. In 2019, I spent a lot more time doing that in a big way, across my all my sites, and the results were excellent!

What's an effective strategy to update your old content? Well, of course, Jay has a webinar on that. Two actually!

Black Friday 2019 BONUS

For Black Friday this year, I'm offering a very special bonus for my referrals! I'm giving away my exact strategies I used in 2019 to boost the rank of my articles, increase my website traffic by 30%, and add $1500 to my monthly income.

After a full year of experimenting, I've narrowed down these strategies for updating my content to 13 points. I'm calling them my "magic edits" because they work so well.

Did you join Wealthy Affiliate through my website? That means I'm your affiliate coach here in Wealthy Affiliate, and I'm in your corner! I want to see you succeed in 2020, so for any one of my referrals who upgrade during the Black Friday promotion, you'll get a copy of Magic Edits: How To Improve The Rankings Of Content Stuck On Page 2.

I created this 13-point guide specifically for Black Friday here at Wealthy Affiliate. It's not available anywhere else, and will never be! >>> Upgrade Here

(OOPS! MY MISTAKE! Message To My Referrals): Many of you have already upgraded, and did NOT receive the Magic Edits bonus. That was my fault. I forgot to add the bonus to the recurring yearly message. So it's likely that if you were already yearly and upgraded for a second year, you didn't receive the bonus.

If that's the case, please PM me! I'll send it over ASAP.

Nothing To Update?

Starting your first website? Nothing to update yet? You can still use these same strategies to write your content correctly...the first time, so it ranks, gets traffic, and earns you money.

In fact, I've already outlined two article templates guaranteed to rank here in Wealthy Affiliate that implement many of the same techniques!

My Plan For 2020...Try Something New!

The two 2019 content strategies outlined above worked so well this year, that I'll continue to do them in 2020. Eventually, I'll run out of content to update though, so what comes after that? What happens when I can't just "brainstorm" good ideas to write about?

I can't say this will work, but here's my plan for 2020.

While doing research for my beer website, I found a site with a super interesting strategy. They didn't target low competition keywords at all. They made comprehensive guides to each topic they covered.

For example, instead of /immersion-chiller-vs-plate-chiller/ they would write a post called /chillers/

Though writing for very specific, long tail keywords is an easy way to get fast rankings, especially for new websites, this particular website was ranking well for a broad range of keywords for their very general topic posts.

So although their URL was /chillers/ they ranked for Google search terms like "best immersion chiller" AND "best plate chiller". I honestly don't know how they are doing it, so I want to try it out and see what works, and what doesn't.

So my plan for 2020 is to experiment a bit with this strategy - to write more cornerstone content pages, covering a topic comprehensively on a single page, and see what happens!

What's your plan for 2020?

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Recent Comments


Great information Nathaniell, thank you for sharing it. My plan for 2020 is to to do Youtube videos, and also start doing webinars. I will continue my blog, and will create some new longer posts, more than 2000 words, improve SEO, and refresh old content and reshare to Social Media. That should keep me busy for a while, Alan.

Regardless of what may have worked in 2019 and in the prior decade, entering a new decade in 2020 has to mean a lot more than just flipping the pages of the 2020 calendar.

The great success we have witnessed with the direct response marketing (DRM) strategy of which ClickFunnels and other similar systems are part of have rendered average yet hardworking people into 2 Comma Club winners and has rendered the tedious, time consuming and overcrowded traditional website/SEO/keywords system a less than desired path to take.

Automation, gamification, implementation of A.I. call to action, chat or auto-pilot video generation bots are among the things/tools which will prevail and dominate in the leaderboards in the new decade starting in 2020 and beyond.


Thank you for taking the time to let us know what is working for you and while I am not one of your referrals I still appreciate the knowledge you have imparted here.

Revising old content has been covered as you say, but straying away from a keyword tool and making sure things make sense to you and your reader is new. Thanks for that.


Absolutely. It also helps differentiate you as a content writer with original ideas!

LOL!! My plan to go back to posts that I have done in the last 17 months and revamp them.

Then the new content that is written, will be more professionally written with better quality of content. Oh, I plan to do MORE content to get more traffic to my website...as it is currently not getting much at all.

Take care, Nathaniell!

I wish you the best!

Sounds like a great plan Robert! Looking forward to hearing about your awesome results :)

I hope I’ll have some to report about.

I'm happy for you, love to read your posts, you're inspiring and giving us real information besides the training we have here at WA...

My plan for 2020 is to be more motivated and put more work into my 2 sites... unfortunately, I had to abandon one site cuz it was YMYL.. so, starting again with 2 other sites, one for promoting WA and one niche site.. hopefully, by the end of the year, I'll earn enough to at least pay my WA membership..

Sometimes, you gotta cut 'em loose! Good luck with your new sites Petar!

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