But Content Takes A Long Time To Write!


Just going through my PMs from the weekend, and I got more than a few about "how to write content faster". I have a few quick thoughts I want to share on this!

1. Spinners, Curators, Auto-Content

Stay far away from any type of content software! Auto-creating content, even if you rewrite it, is a bad idea. I've personally used these softwares before, and seen articles rank, then disappear after an update. It's not worth your time and money.

What's worse, is that taking other people's content, even if you rewrite it, is stealing and copyright infringement. Could I just rewrite Huckleberry Finn or The Heart of Darkness and call it an original work? Nope.

No matter what the advertising says, any type of automatic content is a bad idea in my opinion.

2. But It Takes A Long Time To Research!

Good! That means you're doing your job.

Your job as an online marketer is NOT to make money. It's to help people. If it takes a long time to research the topic, you are essentially saving someone else the time and energy of all that research! You are 'translating' 20 websites into one article, and making the information easy to understand.

Consolidating information is a huge part of how I consider my websites to be HELPFUL online. If your business is not helping someone, it's not going to make money for long (if at all).

Even something as simple as comparing similar products is helping someone make an educated buying decision!

3. It's A Long-Term Investment

Yes, the time it takes to write an excellent can be a pain in the butt, especially in the beginning. Sometimes it can take a full day, or even a week to write a fantastic article. But a great article will PAY DIVIDENDS over time.

That means it will continue to GIVE you rewards in the future. It make help create sales, or just bring traffic to your site that you can then funnel to money pages.

And it will do that for many years in the future!

A "quickie" article will have zero value in the future, or even COST you time in the future! I have way too many articles on my websites that I wrote in 1 hour or less that I look back at now and think, "wow, that looks horrible. I should fix that." If you have to go back and fix your previous mistakes, it's taking time away from your business!

So think of the time you're spending on research and blog post creation now, as an INVESTMENT in the future of your business!

Gain Momentum

In the beginning, you still haven't got much momentum. It can feel like your website is moving at a snail's pace. That's completely normal. But as you gain knowledge and expertise in your niche, you will start to move faster. It won't happen over night, but it will happen.

Those painfully slow first articles will start to speed up as you get more familiar with your topic. You'll have more to say, more opinions to write, and your articles will get longer too! You'll have previous topic to link back to, and more ideas will start to flow.

Don't be discouraged by slow progress in the beginning because the more time you dedicate to quality in the beginning, the more quality your momentum will have in the future. Quality will be natural. If you focus on speed in the beginning, you'll gain speed in the future for sure, but the quality might not be there!

Making website quickly doesn't mean you'll get sales from it!

Hope this helps, and I hope everyone has a productive week!

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Thanks! Bryan

Writing content on things you enjoy ease the pain

Great stuff, thanks Nathaniell! Good to see I'm on the right track.

Thanks Nathaniel. I was just thinking about how long it took me to write my WA Review. It seemed it took forever, but I am happy with the result. Also the more you take the time to write good content the easier it gets.

Thank you for you're great advice!

Great Thank you you very much

Excellent Advice Nathaniell, Thank you ! Steve

Great Nathaniell, thank you :)

I love the part where you said "Good! It means you are doing your job." I had a little chuckle at that.

I agree, as a marketer, your main job is to research the online world and help others by doing the research for them and making things easier on them.

I have been with WA for only 10 months and I am still in the beginning stages.

For those who are new and see this blog. Google do not care about who creates the most content the fastest. They care about who creates the most engaging content that people will benefit from.

so is it better to have a few long article pages or fewer of these and more posts at the start? - the site looks a bit thin at the beginning. does it hurt your site if you have pages saying coming soon? to try to show you have a direction to go in?
can you start with a static front page and then when you have enough posts change to a blog roll?
many thanks


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