Money The Root Of All That Is Good
It’s good to have money and the things that money can buy, but it’s good, too, to check up once in a while and make sure that you haven’t lost the things that money can’t buy.”
-George Lorimer
"You know the love of money is the root of all that is evil." or Money doesn't matter! When I hear these statements it gets my blood boiling. The question I want to ask people that talk like this is, "what rock have you been living under for the last few centuries?"
Like it or not, this world has a value system in place that makes it easy to place a value on a product or service,which is by all normal standards very important to the social system we all participate in everyday.
Why does something good and helpful get a bad rap?
Could it be envy?
Money is an inert object, and if anything can be classified as evil, I think it's the person holding the money. Many things that we don't understand or are envious of gets put into the evil category.
You know it's spoken envy when a person working three jobs trying to keep up with the Jones, yells, " money isn't important."
It's spoken envy when you hear a church lady say, "money is the root of all evil" , but stands in a Publix's grocery store line that is as long as a football field to buy a lottery ticket to win 1.6 billion dollars.
Contradictions are facts of life. What is yes today can be no tomorrow, I understand and accept that fact. Money doesn't have to be one of those contradictions in our minds. Money is just a tool plain and simple.
Nothing more, nothing less. If you take nothing else from this article remember this:
MONEY IS IMPORTANT !I won't pretend to have some special insight into all of the social ills of our world, but to make a blanket statement like,"money isn't important"or "money is the root of all evil," is misguided and uneducated statement.
We can talk all day long about all the bad things that are happening because we use money, but I have yet to see a 20.00 bill go to jail for theft. When I was young I used to play the blame game ,you blame the person next to you for something you know you did, like fart.
This game was fun as a kid, but creeps into the psychopathic area when we get older and make statements like money is evil.

Money Is After Me
I know many orthodox religions of the world and con artist of the church have spread this propaganda to benefit themselves.
Using common sense and educating ourselves about the good and usefulness of money gives us an advantage over the mindless sheep that follow without protest.
The best thing we can do to help people is to teach them the value and proper use of money.
Money controls and governs almost every part of their life. It's foolish and misguided to make a statement that money isn't important when it controls so much of our lives.
What are your thoughts on the subject of money ? or
What crazy comments have you heard about money?
Thanks for reading WA fam..
Recent Comments
For me, money is useful, not important. Hubby has a good paying job, but once I'm a SAHM (if I'm not bringing in an income with WA and Beachbody), he's going to be just covering our bills. It made him very anxious. But I sat there and reminded him that our bills would be covered, that I would do what I could to manage our money/savings and it would be fine. Of course once I get my businesses up and running it'll be a moot point
Great points alexsvacha ! Looking forward to seeing your business take off .. To your success ..
This is all very true, and solid. Still...."I don't care too much for money, money can't buy me love."
Thanks Stadnykgeoff for reading and the great comment. You are right money cannot buy love ...
No but it can provide for the ones I love. So I don't care too much. Doesn't say they don't care at all.
Great post and I agree it is not money it is at the root of all evil it is how people choose you use it, whilst money is not the bee end of all we do need it to live , I am all for educating your young people and anyone else the value of it and to use it wisely
If somebody thinks that money is evil, he may send his money to me- I'll be glad to help him to get rid off that root of all evil!
Money is important to survive in the world! We can not eat, have a roof over are head and drive to work if we don't have money!
So when I hear things like you do not need money for success I sometimes think that is not altogether true!
Many things put us in the success column!
1. What we have learned here help with our success
2. Ranking on Google is a success
3. Teaching others a success
The list could go on, but with earning an income I will and many here at WA will not be able to quit our full time jobs and claim success in this business!
So in my opinion, money is very important!
In this materialistic world Money is the mst important thing..Because if you dont have money of your own after grown up you will be the stone in the path of your near and dear ones. You canot do what you want to do So any one talks money is not important they are oly ignorant and may not have suffered due to lack of money
Actually I believe that the LACK of money is the cause of more evil than having tons of it. I could go on all day about the benefits of having tons of money. And we agree ...
Money is simply a tool.
The money itself is not evil.
It is people who are evil with some worshiping money (that's a bad thing). So ...
The LACK of money or the worshiping (unstable love) of money is or at least could be the "root of all evil."
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I enjoyed the read. It sounds like you are wanting to be a soverign person.
Thanks Ivine for reading and commenting ... :-)