It’s how you get up when you stumble that is important!

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Ah, life ~ the beautiful, messy dance of stumbles and triumphs. We all trip, stumble, and sometimes flat-out fall. It’s inevitable, like sunshine and raindrops. But it’s not how often we fall that defines us, but how we choose to get back up.

Imagine a child learning to walk. Wobbly steps, giggles, and yes, stumbles. But does she stay on the ground, whimpering? No way! She scrambles up, eyes shining with determination, and takes another step, and another. That’s the spirit!

Life throws curveballs - a missed shot, a broken heart, a dream on hold. It’s okay to feel the sting, the wobble in your knees. But then, remember the child. Dust yourself off, feel the ground beneath your feet, and with a deep breath, rise again.

Getting up doesn’t have to be a grand leap. Sometimes, it’s a quiet whisper to yourself, “I can do this.” Other times, it’s a helping hand from a friend, a warm hug, or a shared laugh. Maybe it’s a tiny step forward, a small victory like making your bed or taking a walk in the park. Each step, no matter how small, propels you towards that brighter horizon.

Remember, every stumble is a chance to learn, to grow stronger, to appreciate the ground beneath your feet. It’s a reminder that you’re not alone, that everyone stumbles, and that the most beautiful journeys begin with a fall.

So, when you find yourself on the ground, bruised and breathless, don’t stay there. Feel the earth, the support it offers. Then, with a smile and a quiet promise, whisper, “I will get up, I will shine, and I will dance again.”

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Great, thanks, Maria. My Dad was an actor and dancer in his youth and when he got to be in his 80s and we were out walking, he would often trip on an uneven sidewalk or a pot-hole in the road. Rather than falling, though, he would tap dance his way out of the stumble. We should always try to dance whenever possible. Cheers, Jenni.

That’s awesome Jenni! Your dad is an artist! That even the way he may fall was creatively maneuvered into tap dancing! And not only is he an artist, but a genius! As a way to tap dance his fall may allow him to maneuver a step to prevent the fall!

Thank you for sharing this Jenni!

Maria 🌹

What is the difference between a wise person and a fool? The wise person falls many times and gets up each time but the fool falls once……

That’s a good one Mark - I like it! 😃😂😅!

Maria 🌹

Enjoyed your post!

Glad that you do Jena!

Maria 🌹

Your words resonate deeply. The reminder to rise after stumbling is powerful and inspiring. Thank you for this uplifting perspective on life's journey.


Getting up doesn’t have to be a grand leap. Sometimes, it’s a quiet whisper to yourself, “I can do this .”

Remember, the most beautiful journeys begin with a fall!

Thank you for chiming in Erik!

Maria 🌹

Beautiful words, Maria. I'm liking the power of wisdom.

Myra 💜

Each step , no matter how small, propels you towards that brighter horizon!

Thank you Myra!


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