Week 8 Progress


My new site - well - about 8 week old site - has about 16 posts, 6 pages, and over 230 comments.

I currently have 4 keywords in the top 100 in google (52, 57, 85, 93 respectively).

Not sure where the others went but hope they show up one day!

How am I doing at this point?

Should I go for keywords that have even less competition? My target was under 100.

Do keywords show up only after site gets more trust in google (like in SiteRubix the "sitetrust" metric?)?

Any thoughts and comments appreciated!

<3 Maria

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Do you get your comments via the web tool in WA or they are just random ones?


That is phenomenal for 8 weeks Maria. As you develop more keyword expertise, rankings will follow.

thank you - good to hear your words of support and I will trust in your guidance.

You have a lot of comments. You are doing great.

I appreciate that - and hope so! I wish I only had a bit more time to do all I want to do each day but I know it's more important to keep consistent.

My opinion is that you are doing quite well. Keep after it.

I appreciate your opinion! Especially because it's positive ;) - thank you!

You're on the right track - just keep going and you will see your ranking improve with time. You're doing well for the amount of time you've been going.

Hi Erica,
Thank you - I really appreciate this encouragement - it helps to hear how it sits with others and keeps me moving.

Hey Maria,
I found that my keywords show up about a month or more later. Not sure exactly why, but that is what I am finding.
Keep doing what you are doing and you will see it start to move up the ladder.

Hi Sheila, Awesome -thanks for the encouragement! I will be excited to see when my site trust goes up and up and up! :) I definitely like going up ladders - hoping all our ladders are super high!

I do think site trust plays a part. So many people start out with a bang and quit. Keep doing what you're doing and you'll see results.

Ha - yeah, I understand - it's hard not to see amazing results super fast. But I'm in for the long road :) Thanks for your feedback - I believe your words.

Very well done, Maria. You are on the right road to success. Keep up the great work.

Thank you Marcel

Wow, I am impressed. You have 230 comments. You are doing great.
What kind of website do you have? Is it affiliate marketing? If it is, I can give you a comment to boost the ranking.
Google is quite unpredictable on how they do things. You need to build some links.

build links - okay - thank you! yes, affiliate marketing/blogging for money

I think you are doing great! No need to go for keyword with less competition than that.
I don't think that site trust has something with keywords ranking. I think that in a few weeks you will see a great results.
Just please keep posting at least 3 times per week.

All the best and keep going!

Sweet - thank you and all best to you as well

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