Motivation Makes Progress and Progress Motivates


Well I said all I have to say with that title!

But I was thinking today of the fact that this week I achieved a milestone in my online activities so I realized that having that little bit of progress motivates me to go further.

I want to add something about that milestone.

A lot of times you'll see the blogs on here discussing success or progress without any description of how, and I don't mean to be another one of those people except that all I'm doing is following the training.

What training you ask? Sillies...this training, Wealthy Affiliate! And the tools! (hint hint)

I almost - almost get distracted sometimes by a shimmery golden object that goes flying by but then I get myself back to earth and remember that I'm already committed to this journey and it's worthy.

What reminds me is the progress, the little by little every day that edges me closer to more google trust, more traffic and more engagement.

I'll admit that the get rich quick stuff out there makes me as curious as the next person. After all, the grind isn't super easy. I'm not above admitting my own weakness at times. But I will prevail and you will all support me, and that is the #1 reason I'm here: YOUR SUPPORT!



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Glad to hear its going so well for you Maria!

Thank you Lauren!

Encouraging post Maria. thank you.

no problem - thank you for your support always!

Yes Maria! Absolutely right!

Well I feel some people say to keep doing this and that even if you don't see any progress and I think that's unfair sometimes - we have to see progress, measure it and feel it. Even if it's the fact that 3 weeks later, we have written 15 more articles than we've ever written in our lives!

We do, we do.... and I do. That's why I'm here, and will be here for at least a year. I am committed and right now, I am progressing daily. I can't see this changing because I can see it happening.

The support is what makes the difference!

realizing more and more as this journey continues. i think some people need it less -the people who are very successful but their rank is 4567 or something but I definitely take courage with the community.

We will support you all the way. We understand how hard it is and at times we all need a bit of encouragement until we achieved our goal.

Thank you I really appreciate that

You've got it Maria, keep on keeping on! :)

Thank you Jude!

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