No white flag!
Hi everyone,
Well, I have just finished my level 2 on the training schedule. I have my head full of info and I am trying to decide if I should keep learning or concentrate on my websites. I have decided to do both at the same time, and I found out, that is the way it is designed by Wealthy Affiliates.
I am asking myself, why am I so motivated and why am I expending so much time on this? Of course, I came across Wealthy Affiliates the hard way; after being ripped off by another website about making money in the internet working from home, and “Yes” just like many of you, after doing research about this type of scam ended up on WA which I should have found first based on my knowledge and experience. Anyways, that could happen to anyone.
It took me a while to learn when to “Cut my Loses” and move along; but just like many of you, for some reason, I have kept trying something new time and time again.
At my age, you’ve figured, I have had enough; but No Señor, here we go again!
I am deeply convinced that in this day on age, there no reason to fail. There are so many resources available that we just have a chance with a little more persistence. But what I think is greater is that, I just can live with that feeling of failure.
Let’s roll.
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Wonderful to have you here as part of the family here at WA Manuel and I can assure you are in safe hands here at WA, part of a community that truly cares, and part of a progressive platform in Wealthy Affiliate that is focused on YOU and making your experiences online efficient, cost effective, and hopefully as technical free as possible.
I look forward to working with you moving forward, let's roll!