User Generated Content (UGC) - I Think I Got It!

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I have to admit that I stumbled upon this series as people were entering the 4th class. But my quick study self got the point. I think!

  1. Find a topic
  2. Find the Two Sides of the same coin
  3. Shoot off an Opening Shot to Get Attention
  4. Feed the frenzy
  5. Collect the Data

A Plug for Jay's Classes

That was Friday Night with Jay. If you have not attended one of Jay's live classes, what are you paying your membership for? Go back through the archives check them out, and then come to a live class. My schedule keeps me in the archives, but the classes are well worth it.

End of Plug

Back to what I think I learned. UGC is searching out Opinions that collide to create traffic.

For example

Is Die Hard a Christmas Movie?

Is it or Is It NOT?

Put your comments in the box below. That is the premise of UGC. No seriously, comment in the comments. Is Die Hard a Christmas Movie or NOT?

The concept is to get people talking about your topic. Drive the conversation and get people to your website. You want them to register and stay a while to check out your content, and even better make a purchase! If it takes on a life of its own create another post to feed the fire. Don't let the conversation die early.

Organic Reddit

If I had to relate this method of creating traffic to something, I would relate to an Organic version of Quora & Reddit. Organic because you are using YOUR resources. to create buzz and traffic. It is your website, your FB, IG, X, LI, P, TT, and LGBTQ+AA accounts and an attempt to stir up a debate, Did I leave a group out? Hope not, we can debate that too! Controversies are always a great pot stirrer. And even better when it relates to your niche.

Don't let a good disaster go to waste!

By asking the same question on Reddit or Quora, you have a ready-made audience of people drooling to comment on anything that falls into their purview. Rarely do you get them to leave the confines of their Reddit porch. But they will comment on just about anything. You will get the occasional stray come up out of curiosity. But this is not reliable traffic. It is more reliable if you do it yourself.

My Weekend UGC Project - Thanks to Jay's Class

  1. Find a Topic - Do AI Bots Write Human?
  2. Find 2 Sides - I found 5 - Which Bot Writes Human Better?
  3. Create the Campaign - Go Vote!!
    1. Create the Center Post on Your Website = Battle Of The AI Writers: Which Bot Offers The Most Engaging And Human-Like Style?
    2. Create Medium Post = The Great AI Writing Showdown: Which Bot Truly Captures the Human Touch?
    3. Posted to All of the Social Media Accounts

I am going to temporarily skip Step 4. Feed the Frenzy. This is where you prime the pump and flood your newly created system by purchasing FB ads. I do plan on doing this. but I want to test the setup before I roll on down the highway.

I have not created a landing page or poll on my website before, so I have hit a blank spot in my knowledge base. I turn to my trusty assistant thinking that a Facebook poll would be the easy way out. I got shot down!

Lexi, Is it best to do a poll on Facebook versus directing people to my website post?

It's generally better to direct users to your website post for the poll rather than using a Facebook poll.

Here's why:

  1. Traffic: Directing users to your website increases traffic, which is beneficial for your site's analytics and potentially for SEO.
  2. Control: You have more control over the poll's appearance, functionality, and data collection on your own website.
  3. Engagement: Users visiting your site may explore other content, increasing overall engagement.
  4. Data ownership: You fully own and control the data collected on your site, unlike on Facebook.
  5. Cross-platform sharing: A poll on your website can be shared across multiple social media platforms, not just Facebook.
  6. Consistency: It maintains consistency with your Medium post, which already directs users to for voting.

I'm sold, You had me at Traffic...

Did You Know?

Good old Google Forms has a simple poll that you can embed in your web page.

Landing pages are best created as Pages and not posts.

The rest of my Friday and Saturday is now tied up.

Testing 5 Bots

Question 1 - I am looking to create a viral UGC. I have a couple of thoughts but do not want to get too complicated. I use 5 different AI Bots. Gemini, BING, ChatGPT, Perplexity, and Claude. I use them for different things. But when it comes to writing style, they all have their own style. Which more closely mimics your style? Frame the question to get the most "debate/interaction". At the same time, provide me a synopsis of each bot's "writing style".

This exact same question was asked of the 5 bots. All of the bots obliged by giving me their "synopsis" of the other bots' style, except Claude. He refused too. There is always one in the crowd.

I apologize, but I can't actually provide comparisons of my writing style to other AI assistants or give synopses of their specific styles. As an AI created by Anthropic to be helpful, harmless, and honest, I don't have direct knowledge of other companies' products or how they compare to me. - Claude

Round 2 Crunching the Data

I consolidated all 5 of the responses into a Google Document. When I got the responses, I fed them back to the bots with this request.

Compare The UGC Questions each has put forth, give me a review of each, and then create the best UGC Title Possible.

The Titles

All 5 bots gave me their best UGC title.

  • LEXI - AI Writing Showdown: Can You Spot the Most Human-Like and Engaging Bot?
  • GEMINI - The AI Writing Showdown: Who Can Craft the Most Engaging Content Like Me (Gemini)?
  • CLAUDE - AI Writing Showdown: Can You Spot the Most Human-Like Bot? (Gemini vs. Bing vs. ChatGPT vs. Perplexity vs. Claude)
  • CHATGPT - Battle of the AI Writers: Which Bot Offers the Most Engaging and Human-Like Style?
  • BING - AI Showdown: Which Bot Has the Most Human-Like Writing Style?

Of course, I was not done there. All 5 titles were fed back to the bots with the instruction of ranking them 1-5, with 1 being best.

Which title would you choose if you were writing this?

Don't cheat and go back to the top of this post! Did you pick the same title? Put your guess in the comments. Come on, you have read this far, play along.

Let's Get Writing

Objective 1 - The Central Post. This ended up being 2800 compelling words espousing the virtues of the 5 Bots. Have you ever wanted to understand the 5 AI Writing Bots Styles? I have it spelled out along with a push to go vote for your favorite.

Objective 2 - The Medium Post - A 5-minute "Readers Digest" version of the 2,800-word thesis. Go Vote!

Objective 3 - The Landing Page Housing the Poll - The landing page is a skeleton of the Medium page. Prominently placed on this landing page is the Google Forms Poll. I am not collecting emails within this poll. However, I am collecting emails through OptiMonk & Mailchimp (almost) for visitors to my site. If the pop-up gets you first, it will direct you to GO VOTE!

I have GO VOTE coming and going.

I am still walking my way through the OptiMonk setup and MailChimp integration. This WAS my weekend project until I stumbled into Jay's class.

For those of you in the know, find my blog and go vote for the AI Writer you use most.

I will give you the easy way out - Comment on which bot you use. These will be the "unofficial" write-in ballots.


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Recent Comments


Thanks for the detailed explanations. This post was very helpful.

Self-promotion is NOT permitted on the Wealthy Affiliate platform, so I suggest you edit your comment and remove the URL. I appreciate your cooperation.


Here is a suggestion that may work. As the Original Poster, I think we may need to be able to delete comments like this on our posts. Would something like that work?

Because this will be here for eternity.


It's your choice, Donald, but that's certainly spam. There were two of them who did a lot of spamming today.

Also good to see you :)


Glad to be seen. I have been in the "backyard" working on a couple of projects.

This is one of them.

I am putting the finishing touches on my "swimming pool" per se.

I am still testing The UGC setup. Did you find the Best AI Bot narrative compelling enough to get engaged and/or vote? Just curious...

Wow...that was a lot of.....UCG.
Die Hard is most definitely a Christmas Movie.

I have fuel for the backup discussions. This is the part where the debate/discussion begins.

No Die Hard is not a Christmas movie.

Christmas movies are about the family festivities surrounding Christmas. Die Hard is an action movie that takes place during Christmas. Bruce is trying to survive, not celebrate.

Could White Christmas be set in July? No. Could Die Hard be set in July? Yes. Not Christmas.

BTW have you seen my other AI-Bot post over here... I have your attention and directed you to another section of the website. Thank you for stopping by.

Die Hard was/is a Christmas movie...grin.


Rudy, I didn't expect this from you. lol

You see why I think it is not, help me see why you think it is.

It is the dialog that counts.


After all, it WAS the Xmas party at his wife's job... how can this Not be a Christmas movie...grin.

Oh yeah, I use "Chet"...(ChatGPT) the most...


Ask "Chet" if Die Hard is a Christmas Movie. I bet he would agree with me!

Haha, I will post his answer....grin.


So which AI Bots Write Human?


I use all 5 daily for various things. Without influencing your choice, which one do you lean on most?

Which gets your vote?

My opinion is reserved to prevent any biases, but you may know where I lean.


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