WA Premium Yearly Here I Come

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Congratulations to me!

I initially decided to do the WA Premium for a month only to see how I liked it. Well, tonight, I decided to take advantage of the WA yearly! That means I have a year to take all this in and do all I can.

MEANING, I have a year to learn how to make a BOATLOAD of MONEY! :)

I have a lot of great niche ideas, so many I know I can't implement all of them (and still kicking myself for not finding football snack helmets first! LOL).

How did your first year go? How did you stay motivated? I love writing, but I tend to have to "feel" it. When that happens, the words just flow, other times, they flounder for a bit. I know that words might flow better from a beach chair on a beach in, let's say, Maui... Until I can do that, I have to make it work from home.

I really want to shout a giant thank you to my mentor, Derek Marshall, and the many other followers that have helped me this first 6 weeks. This is a wonderful supportive community in the middle of a world full of scams.

I'm so impressed!

In spirit,

Mary Kay

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Congratulations! that is good idea, enjoy your yearly premium.

You have made a great decision MaryKay.

I think the neverending training and the community here, keeps me going and keeps me motivated.


Hi Mary Kay,

I love how you share a name with a famous brand! That is one of the things you will be learning. How to brand yourself or your business.

Jaaxy is a great place to brain storm topics through keyword search. That is one way to get unstuck for ideas. Getting stuch is normal.

Write Blog Posts on WA and that will also inspire you when you receive comments.

Congrats on going Annual! I also did after my first month and have no regrets.

All the best to you.


Ha! I get the pink cadillac comment quite often. The only thing that really bothers me is being called "Mary", which legally is my first name. Sigh. Thank you for the support!

Congratulations to you, Mary Kay.
Welcome and we wish you the very best success.
WA is the place to be, for us, it is about being consistent in getting content done.
We have made huge progress in our first year, our one year anniversary is on the 28th of Sept.
You can do the same.
All the best
Darren & Nicola :)

Talk to me about "huge progress"!

And Happy 1 year anniversary! WOW!

Congratulations, Mary Kay, for going premium yearly. Wise choice. All the best and success to you.

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