Dig the well before you get thirsty
I am pretty much hooked on planning in order for success to follow. Seems simple but I have experienced this in my previous years of management with my prior employer. Some have called it the "5" P's (Proper Planning Prevents Poor Performance) more or less. I dont want to be partial to any age group, but i feel this principle should be taught in high school prior to graduation.
In essence, a solid foundation for any future career or business evolves around planning. I have experienced friends, relatives, and business associates attempt to start something in life or business without planning for the "What if's possibilities". Beware, planning is not perfect so remember the "if at first you don't succeed...try, try, again" thought process.
Certainly, several of you are aware of this concept but how often is this connected not just to business or careers but to social life in general? The emotional aspect of our inner beings at times "rush" us to make decisions without considering the possible outcome. But then again life is so full of unexpected experiences that the process of success even with planning a course or goal can lead to disappointment.
So if you are thirsty i hope you have "dug" a well ready to quench that thirst.
Recent Comments
Planning and organizing makes work easier.
Thanks for the reminder.