Extra Way to Engage with Your YouTube Audience!


Engaging with your audience is important for a YouTube channel to grow and succeed.

In this video, I will show you a less-known way to engage with your audience via the YouTube community tab.

If you have any questions or suggestions for future YouTube topics you would like to know more about, just comment below.

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Thank you, Mikael, for the helpful tips, as usual, much appreciated.

It's interesting how you have utilised the community tab, it is something that I have used very little. Although it's probably something that I should look into using more. I like the idea of being able to schedule messages.

Do you schedule your community posts, Mikael, for a certain time, or perhaps you just write them as and when?

All the best to you.


I plan them and schedule them ahead of time and have a set time twice a week where I will post one to make sure it gers done and I stay consistent.

That sounds good, Mikael! It also makes a lot of sense as in the Internet marketing world, consistency appears to be key!

Once again, I do appreciate your regular updates, they are very helpful indeed.

A very happy Wednesday to you.


Thanks. Happy Wednesday to you too.

I have check my YouTube channel I open newly and I don't even have a single follow,maybe because I haven't post anything yet and I havent thought 🤔 of what to post..I understand that when you post content that is not yours it we say it a copy right and YouTube we start given you warning ⚠️
But I still can't find the community tab on my YouTube channel

If you do not have any videos on your channel yet, do not worry about the community tab yet. Focus on creating quality videos first - and yes, you are right that you have to create your own content.

I'll have to work on incorporating this! My YouTube channel hasn't gotten much traction, but hopefully, I can rectify this soon! Thanks for sharing the info.

It takes time to build a YT channel but the great thing is that once it starts rolling, it can really snowball.

Hi Mikael,

Good Advice,

I have been using the community tab for about one month now because I started receiving posts from other people that I follow showing just a picture with a quote written on it and it had 38K likes and a few thousand comments.

Also, I think you are doing well with your YouTube channel, I have been following you for about two years now and I have tried some of your ideas.



Great to hear. Thanks for sharing your experiences.

And happy to hear you like my videos.

Hey Mikael, thank you for this! I really appreciate your expertise especially when it comes to YouTube! Am I right in thinking you need to get to 1k subscribers before you can use the community feature on your channel?

No, you do not need 1K subs for that. You should be able to use it as soon as you have enabled the advanced features by verifying your phone number.

That's news to me so appreciate that! Cheers Mikael.

You are welcome.

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