$40K+ Per Month from Affiliate Marketing!

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I usually do not like to share any info about my online income, but since so many have asked, I wanted to share a bit here to show what is possible with affiliate marketing.

I have now had several months where I have had an online income of $40K+.

This means that both my wife and I now make way more money than we ever did in our regular jobs and we can plan our own time, and we have plenty of time with our daughter also.

Also, the last 6 months we have been both to Thailand, Dubai, and Spain, and this does not affect the income.

When I first started here at WA, I did not think this would be possible, but with hard work and patience, the sky truly is the limit with affiliate marketing. And I can also see that the potential is even higher than what I make now.

I love the freedom that comes with an online income, and it all started here at WA for me.

As mentioned, I do not like sharing income results, but I decided to finally do it here to, hopefully, inspire you to keep moving forward.

I often hear people say they cannot afford the monthly fee here. I understand that can be an issue when you first start - I had those concerns as well. But the reality is that if you want to create a real online business, it will require some kind of investment, and you will not find it cheaper anywhere else.

And it is crazy to think about if I had let that stop me when I first started. Now I make several times the fee I pay for a full year's membership EVERY single day.

I can, of course, not guarantee you will get the exact same results. Maybe you will not, or maybe you will get evcen better results.

But one thing is sure, if you want results, you need to NOT give up, keep learning, and keep taking action.

You have everything you need in here, but it is up to you to make it happen.

Hope this has inspired at least some of you to keep moving forward and pursuing the feredom to cerate the life you want.

And I wish all of you the best of luck with it.


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Recent Comments


Thank you for sharing your inspiring journey with affiliate marketing, Mikael! It's incredibly motivating to hear about your success and the freedom it has brought to you and your family. Your story truly highlights the potential of affiliate marketing when combined with hard work and dedication.

I appreciate your transparency about the initial hesitations regarding the investment in programs like WA. It's understandable that starting out, financial concerns can be daunting. However, your experience proves that the investment is worthwhile and can lead to significant returns.

Your advice about not giving up and continuing to learn and take action resonates deeply. It's a reminder that success in any endeavor requires persistence and a willingness to adapt and grow.

Thank you once again for sharing your story and inspiring others, myself included, to pursue their dreams and create the life they desire. Wishing you continued success on your journey!


Thanks. Glad it helped and gave some inspiration.

Thanks for great and real true experience life story shared. Me on that road before, everything you share in article is really mean for the weak in strength due to some faced in WA, BUT the true story lies behind minds of every member in the Community, once in a life time in WA, some get there early, some easily going, some give up, BUT great to be back for some reason or another , only one can tell. Thank you writer and thanks to Wealthy Affiliate and Founders. A best community to belong.. for a bright future existence someday sooner or later..

Bests to friends in WA, especially to those who read this remarks me sent

Night fall in southern Hemisphere .
Good night to yous from me and go well, stay well all time

, Clotilda

Thanks. Glad you liked it.

really it is, thanks for remarks,


This is VERY inspiring, Mikael! Thank you for sharing some actual numbers that you're bringing in, and the difference it has made in the lives of you and your family. And thanks again, for pointing out that you got your own start here at WA and that you had the same fears and doubts as the rest of us, but as you stated, through patience and perseverance, you have reached levels of success you never believed possible, and that anyone can achieve similar, or even BETTER results using the tools here at WA and applying those character traits. I would add that doing so now, with all the new AI tools and training, etc., it is even EASIER to accomplish than it has been up to this point!


Glad it inspired you. And yes they new tools definitely can speed things up.

It is not only great to hear your message, which by the way, meant a lot to me, but You most certainly achieved your goal to inspire others, based on all the comments below. I also felt a lot of respect for you to take the time to answer each and every comment, Kudos to you.

thanks for the post


I just started my journey by joining WA. I will be a Premium member soon. I can't wait to see where my hard work brings me. Thanks for the inspiring post. It made me see things that could happen with hard work and dedication. I look forward to hearing more great thing from you.

Glad to hear it inspired you. With hard work and effort the sky truly is the limit online.

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