Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda, 2025 Is About Breaking Thru Barriers
(Cover Photo: Brick Wall)
Hi everyone,
Yes, I am getting fired up about 2025.
Its time to break thru barriers and artificial walls that I have constructed in my own mind.
I posted on "Ask A Question" looking for anyone with experience with publishing Audio books on Amazon. That is a MUST DO in 2025.
2025 is also the year that I will promote something of value by advertising. I have stayed away from trying to advertise far tooooo long.
2025, I will lose the last 19 lbs that I need to lose and be in better shape than ever. I will also get my Blood pressure to normal and no longer need to take meds.
What is something that you have put off, ignored, or thought was just too daunting to accomplish that you could do in 2025?
Let's Do This!
To Our Success!
Mel Waller
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You've got a good mind set MelWaller, good luck you are going to smash it!
For myself I'm so keen to get couple websites up and running and catch up with my family haven't seen for a while. #LETSGO
Getting to Vegas seems a daunting challenge I've decided to take on.
But, I know I cannot do it on my own or, at least, that's what I believe.
I've spent several thousand dollars in 2024 and have learned from it, to include a "master" class. However, I don't have real results from this expenditure.
Over 4,000 clicks, 1 referral, 0 upgrades.
I'm still willing to spend money for PPC but not unless I can find someone who can help truly get results.
I'll be going over the PPC classes again here at WA, but I seem to be missing something to really make them work.
Maybe try to contact directly those putting on the classes and last year's Vegas attendees. Someone might be willing to help with more specifics, Les. Good Luck!
Sounds good, I'm a little gun shy on PPCs right now so for Jan/Feb I want to concentrate on building up my organic content.
I'd start out with only a $5 a day spend until it was tweaked. But I am in no hurry to start. Some day this year. :-)
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It's the Energizer-Mel! ;D
haha Thanks Jay!
Welcome, Mel.