AI Saves a Life in India and ChatGPT About to Be 100X More Advanced

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(Cover photo: robot head)

Hi everyone,

AI saved a life!

Meta AI prevents suicide of 21-year-old Indian woman by alerting the police

The woman posted a video on IG with a noose around her neck. She was depressed. You can search the headline above for more info.

ChatGPT is about to become GPT - NEXT.

"GPT-3 had toddler-like intelligence, GPT-4 was akin to a high school student, and GPT-Next could surpass human intelligence in certain conversations, reflecting the rapid evolution of AI capabilities."

You can search for this headline: GPT-Next: OpenAI’s Upcoming AI Model To Be 100 Times Better Than GPT-4


Lately I've been using Chat AI's for writing several courses.

I don't see any limits any more with AI so I keep asking away for more info, more structure, more of everything.

I use Chat AI's rather than do a Google search and that's slowly impacting a lot of things as more people turn to Chat AI's for news and info.

Keep Succeeding!

To Our Success!

Mel Waller

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Cool, Mel!


I like the idea of using Chat AI instead of Google search. Any way we can improve things is helpful.

Hi Mel

Yeah, I get a lot more concise, relevant, and reliable info on my iPhone ChatGPT app than in a typical Google search.

It’ll only be a matter of time before AI automatically creates all of the content on the internet, including conclusions from experimental research.

AI needs a robotic body or a cybernetic connection to the human race to be able to exist in the real world. That will be the tipping point for our species.

Frank 🎸

You should read 3001: a space odyssey if you haven't already...

Hi Michael

I’ll put it on my reading list.

Thanks! 😎
Frank 🎸

Open AI has said a lot of things lately.

Like Sora is going to change AI generated videos. Months later we’re still waiting.

I saw the pundits say the same thing about “strawberry”, GPT-next, etc.

Until people get their hands on this or Sora for that matter, I am just going to treat this as a distraction

It's good that the young woman's life was saved within the nick of time, thanks to AI.

Thanks for sharing, Mel!

Myra ♥️

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