The Best Place to Live

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Reality check.

Hopefully, the best place to live is still where you are. After all whatever and where ever we are COVID-19 is everywhere, isn't it. We can only set ourselves safe in our own dwelling place. It

sounds like the contagion has gotten worse than ever. Flattening the curb is still a goal not a reality. In Canada, it has already reached more than 25,500 confirmed Covid-19 positive. A whooping 735 fatalies have been recorded in the country. I am wondering by the irony of what is going on the so called First World have way more victims than, say, in South East Asia.

All of us are now responsible for our neighbors whether he is your friend, family or but strangers. The end of this menace is in our hands. We need to fully cooperate with the authorities and have to take our part and share the sacrifices to cooperate and unite on the strategy of self isolation.

Here is the good news.

There is an experimental antibody that could defeat the deadly virus. All countries are scampering to be the first in line to get it. All over the world they are willing to take chances using it, hoping this is really the cure against this virus.

Or imagine this

In the meantime it is very good to imagine how to live a simpler life. Most of us would realize that in order to live a good life, peaceful and away from the complication of modern life, a return to the basics of living seemed more attractive than ever.

Imagine a place away from the crime committed every day. Up somewhere between valleys where flora and fauna are in profusion and in display in natural grandeur of nature. Where the smell of grass and leaves are mingling with the flowers and the gentle breeze. Overlooking the sea and the water cascading on the side of the mountain fresh and always inviting for a beautiful afternoon splash. Drinking truly fresh safe water every time with a lot of fruit trees that gives the nutrition we require. Vegetables, herbs and root crops are in abundance and a small abode is simple with a mini powerful machine supplying energy and electricity giving you all the amenities of a modern home. It is possible for those who have the money to inves t to have a good life like this for the remaining breathe we may have in this world.

The truth

Now let us be realistic, 99% of us either could or would not do that. And maybe some could but where in the world we could have such a beautiful dream to be turned into reality. The honest truth, it is easily written than actualize. To build a house like that in the middle of nowhere needs logistics and loads of money. To have all those vegetables and everything you need handwork and proper irrigation.

What is remaining in us

What is remaining in our control is realism, more courage, acceptance and strength and as we adapt with change we adapt also with all the changes we are not used to do. One, our mind is ready and we consider this vicious challenge an opportunity of great joy for when we are besieged with such kind of challenges our endurance may grow. As we develop our endurance we will become complete needing nothing - we will become perfect. So the Book said. Let us not worry but be proactive and strong. Keep the courage and the focus of surviving and conquering the most difficult part of this challenge - the doubt, worry and fear and walk the walk as a human being filled with love and faith on oneself and maybe and more importantly in the Supreme Being called God.

The real best place to be

So the best place to live is in our body filled with the right mindset, positive attitude and with

patience, courage and stoicism in endless supply, then we shall survive and win over this challenge. If we can smile, let's smile to the max. If we can laugh, enjoy laughing. If we have a beautiful hope, keep it up and if we have our eyes on our goals be sure it is about your character and your love for others, not the accumulation of material wealth - it will not have power in times like this but love endures forever.

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I am an agnostic so I believe it will be the scientists and the researchers who will hopefully find a solution to this virus. We have to quel denial and realize how truly awful this pandemic can be. It's not just the being infected and "cured" because it sounds as though there are serious after effects even post a so called cure. Bottom line is we desperately need a vaccine. We need to continue social distancing and we need to care for one another as best we can. This pandemic will change us forever. We will realize how fragile life truly can be and how valuable normal life is...and was. We will have to acknowledge that we are all connected. We will value things money can't buy and hopefully come out the other side as better human beings.

For each of us our idea of the best place to live would be different. Furthermore, if I had what I thought was "the best place to live" I'd probably want to live somewhere else before too long.

So, for present I've decided to be very happy where I am living and I agree entirely that the best place to be is in the right mindset. That's where I aim to stay!

Stay safe and well.


Thank you for your comment, Rick. I appreciate it.

Your total figure is approximately our daily figure here in the UK Florentino with deaths at around 12,000 and rising☹
Got a long way to go before all this is clear around the world I'd say and maybe, just maybe, people will re-set their priorities......I wouldn't bet on it though 🤔

It is shocking to know fatalities in the UK. I understand USA, Italy, and Spain, as well as France, are on the top of having the greatest number of deaths due to COVID-19. God bless us all. Thank you Mark for your input. Stay healthy, brave and safe.

We're all doing our best to do just that Florentino👍

Glad to know, Mark.

Jeff done went and stole my comment right out of my finger.

Grateful for where I am. I have lived right here on this spot for all of my 60 years.
No neighbors in sight. Just about had it all till you got to the ocean.

Great post by a wise man.

I always wish to live near the sea as just a stone away. As I lived for 30 years near it for 3 minutes drive. Yes, you are blessed, as many as we are here in WA. Stay safe always, Larry. Thanks for passing by.

Well written, Florentino! The world is taking a break now, leaving us more time to rethink what we actually need to survive or live, its actually very simple and basic. Thanks for sharing!

Welcome and thank you as well for your thought-provoking comment. Stay safe, Leong.

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