So, lets start a blog...
So, lets start a blog... I am working a lot of extra hours in my day job at the moment doing an extra project. In the middle of a 9 day 100 hour week atm. It is very hard to find any time for IM. After a 10-13 hour working day my son demands the rest of my time and then there's sleep. I need sleep and it looks like my sleep time needs to take the hit to get something done in IM. My work project should mostly be done by the end of September so maybe there will be more time then. Wait, we're having another son at the end of September. Do babies take up any time? So, yes, I'm definitely going to have to sacrifice some sleep. I feel tired thinking about it.
I'm sure I'm in the right place to start my IM work so I'm going to focus on finding the time. Even an hour a day is infinitely better than nothing.
So, let's get started. Wish me luck. Good luck. Thanks.
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Good luck!! If you need any help don't hesitate to ask some help to the community. We'd be glad to answer your questions and support you. :)