Key Points To Connecting With People
In our daily lives, whether it be on a business and professional level or a more personal level, we all have to connect with people.
Essentially Dale Carnegie wrote, in two months a person could win more friends in two months being interested in them than you could in two years trying to get them interested in you.
People love to talk about themselves, to become interested in them and let the other person talk. Showing this type of interest, they will undoubtedly think you're fascinating.
Relationships are vitally crucial whether you are building a network of marketers or if you are at a gathering and someone strikes your interest--you have to meet them.
So let us jump into things and explore seven critical points on how to effectively connect with the people you want to communicate.
The Seven Keys To Connecting With People
A. Be genuinely interested in the other person. Most people can spot fakeness a mile away. So if there is not a genuine interest stop wasting their time and yours.
B. Reach out and help others is an excellent way to connect with people. Wach one of us has something to offer in terms of help or assistance. We can share knowledge, expertise, or time. All these things people will remember you for it.
C. Be aware of what others are doing. It is not enough to know what sports team they like or when peoples birthdays are, but follow them on social media, comment and engage with them. Connect with them by asking them about "them." This point is closely related to (A), so it is essential.
D. Networking is essential and is the key when wanting to meet others via referrals from existing friends. Your chances of connecting and meeting other people through referrals is a massive boost in your networking efforts.
E. Often people reach out to others via email or leave audio messages but initially do not receive a response. Life happens for all of us as people get busy. Because you do not get an answer initially, doesn't mean you won't. Be persistent and reach out again; you will make that connection.
F. The friends you have now are most likely the ones you want around you. As we become more engaged with our businesses and networking, we will want to find more friends especially those people that have risen to successfully. Reach out and meet these people. They are human just like you and will most likely accept your friendship.
G. One of the best thing you can do to when connecting with people is to make sure you are remembered--as in being unforgettable. That doesn't mean doing something unacceptable where they won't forget you, but simple like sending family Christmas cards, sending birthday wishes or helping them whenever possible.
Recent Comments
Thanks for a great post, Mark. I agree with all the points you raise. Connecting with people is much more than just a one-off 'Hi - how are you'.
Well said :)
Thank you, Valerie. You are exactly right. When we have the opportunity to connect with people we should be genuinely pleased to meet them. And it is more than the, "Hi how are you"? Which I find insulting--di you really care how they were? Thanks again for commenting.
Thanks, Thomas, for this great post. It is really important to be genuinely interested in helping others. In this way, they can see you as truly valuable. Networking goes beyond following someone - After that, what next?
Exactly, networking does go far beyond the following someone. True networking is my opinion is connecting with people and getting to know them--FORM. Spending time--outings, golfing and the like. Life is about true connections. Thanks again for your comments.
Awesome Post and Great reminder of how to connect with people. I love E. I have learned in life that yes people get busy but if you value that connection, reaching out a second time is key.
All the Best to you!,
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Workable tips, thank you.
Thank you. Glad you found this post of value.