Can You Better Market To Your Niche? - Day 19
30 Days To Crush Email Marketing!
Day 19
Can You Better Market To Your Niche?
Hey, hello and welcome to Day 19 of my 30 Day Email Marketing Challenge. It's already Thursday and I really don't feel like I've actually got started on half the stuff I had mapped out for this week! Time constraints from my day job haven't helped..but tomorrow is another day!
Cracking on...I want to touch upon one of my favourite topics today...hated by so many, TRACKING!
If you are just starting out, of course you won't. But it's never too early to get started on may seem unnecessary right now..but it's a great habit to get into and will pay you dividends in the future.
All of the main auto-responder services provide a multitude of various data points which we can track and monitor. Each has a new lesson to teach us if we look close enough at it. What we learn from our data and reports will give us the inside track on our list and niche and will make us all better email marketers!
We of course all work in different niches and we each have a very unique target audience that decides to sign up for our lists. It’s being able to get better at marketing to them that makes the biggest difference in our online business. By looking at the data and in turn reacting to it..we can improve our conversion rates..and in turn increase our sales...happy days!
Don't be mean, allow yourself the time to learn what your auto-responder service can track for you...believe me it will be time well spent!
I can't stress enough, don't be scared to continuously and regularly try different actions when it comes to things like email frequency, subject lines, and even changing the style and content of your email. You’ll be surprised how much of a difference even small changes can make. Little tweaks here and there can yield massive positive results for you.
Once we're happy with what our auto-responder service can offer us tracking wise.. learn more about the outside tracking tools like Google Analytics. (I intend to go in to this further when I publish my technical training shortly after completion of this latest challenge)
By doing so you can start to track behavior from the actual email all the way through to our website and shopping cart...then things really start to get interesting!
If we keep trying new techniques and approaches, we will always stay one step ahead of our competition and our businesses will remain fit for purpose!
Join me tomorrow for another post...albeit, a word of warning...
up close and very personal!
I will leave you now with my thought of the day...
Lets work it hard people...but be kind!
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Up Close and Personal - Too Close?
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I can't wait until I get enough followers to have a good following for my email campaign.
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Thanks for Anthony. I set to and am tracking on mail chimp and google analytics. It does take some time to set up but as you say its worth the ability to track what's actually happening.
Hi Sylvia, it will become a vital part of your business strategy going forward. Anyone serious about their business must have the ability to track their conversions...otherwise it would be like running your business in the dark. Well done for rising to the challenge and getting to grips with it.
Thank you for all your help Anthony. There's more to this marketing business than first meets the eye.