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Добро јутро. Желим да вас поздравим и поделим са вама ову инспирацију. Појавила се када сам видела ову слику. Осећам то, и свиdja ми се тај осећај. Волим да останем на њему и чекам да ми улије енергију. Наравно, та енергија је бескорисна ако је не усмеримо у стварање. Осећам је, и свида ми се тај осећај. Наравно, та енергија је бескорисна ако је не усмеримо у стварање. Ако је не поделимо са неким ко је ту, ко чека нашу пажњу. У тренутку када сам видео слику, осетио сам се усамљено, а ево, сада када ово пишем и делим са вама, десила се магија.

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Hi Marija,
thanks for sharing with us. Great post, and don't forget:

Slavka 🖐️

Dobro vece,Slavka.Da li biste mogli da mi pomognete?Ja jos nisam premium ,i ne snalazim se bas.Napisala sam dva tri clanka na webu ali ih tesko sredjujem ,sada me muci kako da korigujem tekst,u nacrtima,ili gde?

Hi Marija,
I cannot send private messages, you are not yet a premium member, and the Serbian language is not adequate.
Try to go through the offered lessons as soon as possible, to apply everything in order.
It's not hard, but you have to do the lessons in order.

PS: Uloguješ se na sajt, najbolje bi bilo da koristiš predložene kontente, vodi računa za slike, ako ih lepo ne ubaciš na početku sredjivanje će ti biti teže kasnije.
U svakom slučaju, prva dva mačića budu loša dok ne shvatiš, znači bez frke.
Iskreno lakse će ići sa premium članstvom, vise svega.

Many greetings,
Write specifically and ask specific questions, we all want to help, but it would be easier if you were premium, because of everything, this limiting.

Slavka 👋

Okay, I thought you were from Serbia because you have a Serbian name. I took all the free lessons.

Hi Marija,
I wish you a lot of success, until you decide on membership, in addition to the lessons, write posts related to the niche. Explore everything that is offered to you.

Slavka 👋

Lovely morning to you as well.
You are right; we need to channel our energy to beneficial things.
Have a great day!

We always become inspired when we start writing! That is what is Great, Marija!


You are right, Mirja. When we are inspired we should create. When something is wasted it is lost. I have had an inspiration when I was going to bed, I told myself I would remember it in the morning. I did not. This has happened several times in the past. Those inspirations are lost. Even if I have another like it, I won't know because I don't remember the previous one.

So...If Inspired, Create, and share.

Blessed Be.


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