Hello FAM I have a slight problem with posting on my website, whenever I made a post to my website it those not give room for commenting, but if I posted it as a page it thus g
Should it be your kind of theme? I will advice you try and make some changes to your theme
unless you know html you shouldn't try changing the theme they have a few that you can change the theme you're working with
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My post dose not give space for comment?
Hello FAM I have a slight problem with posting on my website, whenever I made a post to my website it those not give room for commenting, but if I posted it as a page it thus g
Hi ... You will need to enable comments in your settings. From your wordpress dashboard, go to Settings > Discussion ... the 3rd option down will need to be checked where it says "Allow People to Submit Comments on New Posts." See the attached screenshot.
Good luck, Shannon
Should it be your kind of theme? I will advice you try and make some changes to your theme
unless you know html you shouldn't try changing the theme they have a few that you can change the theme you're working with
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When publishing a content to my website and I wanted to get response from people do I publish it as a post or page
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For me to get reply to my content how do I published it ?
When publishing a content to my website and I wanted to get response from people do I publish it as a post or page
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Hello FAM I wanted to write a review about a company which has no affiliate link, they only have online registration, now my question is how do I implement such online registra
Do you want people to register for this company through your link without you receiving any payment for it? Since it is a review, copy the link to the registration page and insert it into your article.
The company is a multilevel marketing company,so I want people to register with my link, the issue am having now is the company thus not Have affiliate link. Because registration is done directly, so am kind of asking if I could implement the registration process into my review, so if people are interested in joining the company they can do so inside my website, so I can earn my commission from it.
Are you a member of the MLM. If you are, do you have your link code? if you do, all you need to do is write the review and insert your link in the post. You have to declare that you are an MLM and if they want to join they can.
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How do I go about online registration company?
Hello FAM I wanted to write a review about a company which has no affiliate link, they only have online registration, now my question is how do I implement such online registra
Do you want people to register for this company through your link without you receiving any payment for it? Since it is a review, copy the link to the registration page and insert it into your article.
The company is a multilevel marketing company,so I want people to register with my link, the issue am having now is the company thus not Have affiliate link. Because registration is done directly, so am kind of asking if I could implement the registration process into my review, so if people are interested in joining the company they can do so inside my website, so I can earn my commission from it.
Are you a member of the MLM. If you are, do you have your link code? if you do, all you need to do is write the review and insert your link in the post. You have to declare that you are an MLM and if they want to join they can.
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Just wanted to know how to add or link mywebsite address to my Facebook account,
Hi there,
All you have to do is edit your profile information.
1) Click your name in the top right corner of your Facebook page to view your Timeline.
2) Click "About" under your profile picture to enter editing mode.
3) Click the "Edit" button in the Contact Info section.
4) Type the URL of your website in the Website text box.
5) Click "Save" to update your information.
If you want to add multiple websites, place each website URL on a separate line in the Website text box.
Hope this helps,
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How to add my website to facebook?
Just wanted to know how to add or link mywebsite address to my Facebook account,
Hi there,
All you have to do is edit your profile information.
1) Click your name in the top right corner of your Facebook page to view your Timeline.
2) Click "About" under your profile picture to enter editing mode.
3) Click the "Edit" button in the Contact Info section.
4) Type the URL of your website in the Website text box.
5) Click "Save" to update your information.
If you want to add multiple websites, place each website URL on a separate line in the Website text box.
Hope this helps,
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Hi ... You will need to enable comments in your settings. From your wordpress dashboard, go to Settings > Discussion ... the 3rd option down will need to be checked where it says "Allow People to Submit Comments on New Posts." See the attached screenshot.
Good luck, Shannon
Have done that but still the same