Modern Day Heroes

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Adversity creates heroes in us all. Let's make a difference in people's life's with our information and intellect. Currently, health care workers are going beyond the call of duty to save lives. We will need courage to stand up and be counted? More heroes are emerging in today's pandemic.

The combination of intellectual gifts, strength of character and courage are elements modern day heroes possess.

Who are your modern day heroes? I will list a few I have;

1. Nelson Mandela - First President of a free South Africa. Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela was a South African anti-apartheid revolutionary, political leader, and philanthropist who served as President of South Africa from 1994 to 1999.

2. Deepak Chopra - Deepak Chopra is an Indian-American author and alternative-medicine advocate. A prominent figure in the New Age movement, his books and videos have made him one of the best-known and wealthiest figures in alternative medicine. He says and I will quote

" If you want to reach a state of bliss, then go beyond your ego and the internal dialogue. Make a decision to relinquish the need to control, the need to be approved, and the need to judge. Those are the three things the ego is doing all the time. It's very important to be aware of them every time they come up.

3. Commander Samarn Kunan - died from lack of oxygen while saving the 13 boys trapped in a Thailand cave in 2018. A rescue mission lasting two weeks had one fatality.

Petty Officer Samarn Kunan, 38, was a former Thai Navy SEAL who volunteered depositing

oxygen tanks for rescue divers. They had to navigate throughout the flooded tunnels of Tham Luang cave, a sprawling underground complex. A youth soccer team had been trapped by floodwaters.

A fellow officer found him floating in the water. Attempts were made to revive him but sadly he died.

4. Brad Brown saved 18 lives in Caliervia bush fires in 2018. A chaplain at Feather River Hospital in Paradise, Calif., told the sick, scared people huddling inside his Honda Odyssey

as flames burned on both sides of them and embers flicked onto the hood. “This is what we need to do here,” Brown recalls saying as they, like thousands of others, tried to escape the deadly Camp Fire that continues to torch Northern California.

5. Fiona Wood - Australian of the Year in develop spray on skin to assist burn victims in the Bali Bombings in 2002. Fiona Melanie Wood AM FAHMS is an English-born plastic surgeon working in Perth, Western Australia. She is the director of the Royal Perth Hospital burns unit and the Western Australia Burns Service. In addition, Wood is also a clinical professor with the School of Pediatrics and Child Health at the University of Western Australia and director of the McComb Research Foundation.

6. Stephen Hawking - superior intellect and despite his disabilities he continued to give to the world until he passed in March 2018. Stephen William Hawking CH CBE FRS FRSA was an English theoretical physicist, cosmologist, and author who was director of research at the Centre for Theoretical Cosmology at the University of Cambridge at the time of his death.

7. Muhammad Yunus - Banker to the poor - social entrepreneur and activist.

Founder and general manager of the Grameen Bank, Bangladesh.

Dr Muhammad Yunus has changed the lives of many millions of people in dozens of countries by giving them the chance to secure financing for their small businesses.

There are now some 10,000 micro finance institutions in the world that follow the Grameen example.

Finally, there are those heroes that are not named in the media. They are the unsung heroes who are invisible in society. They remane nameless. Those are Carers who care for the aged and people with special needs.

Who are your heroes? How can you stand out and make a difference?

The pen is mightier than the sword. You have the skills and the tools. There is plenty of material to draw on for your content moving forward.

I hope you are inspired by these modern day heroes when you write on you web sites.

Kind Regards


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        Recent Comments


        I agree with with your Post 100% and my hat goes off for all those heroes mentioned in your post. But I believe there are people out there that are not being recognized enough. There are everyday individuals being recognized for their first line of defense (firemen, policemen, all hospital employees and more). But there is a group not being mentioned enough, the grocery store workers that are gambling with their lives with very little if any PPE equipment. Many people have stepped to the plate during needy times in the past when it was necessary to do so to save and guide humanity.

        Very true, hats of to the grocery store workers and everyone still working, risking themselves

        Jen great post The quote from Deepak is a gem. I have seen Fiona Wood interviewed. She is an inspiration to everybody. There are a lot of people that give of their time unselfishly. To them I say thank you.
        Have a great day

        1. The police officers and firefighters who ran upstairs toward the fires of the World Trade Center North Tower even knowing that the South Tower had already collaped

        2. Steve Gleason who I mentioned in my last night's WA blog. Spokesman for ALS even after having been striken with the disease.

        3. Audie Murphy. The most decorated soldier ever by the USA. His incredible courage under heavy enemy fire saved the lives of many of his compatriots.

        Stephen Hawking was a man of vast intellect. As was Albert Einstein. If only they had lived in the same time period and I could be a fly on the wall to hear their coinversations.

        Hi there, yes all amazing people. How is their strength of character? Incredible. Thanks for you contribution. Jen

        Very inspirational post! Nelson Mandela is one of mine too, and Ghandi. Samarn Kunang's story touched me. I had never heard of him, it's a shame that so many heroes are forgotten ...

        Thanks Christine, some people’s contributions to the world is amazing. Thanks for your comments..Talk soon Jen

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