Lessons Learned
After 3 months at Wealthy Affiliate, I have learned more than I thought I ever could in regards to websites, SEO, niches, you name it. And what I keep reminding myself is there is still much more to come, still so much to learn. But I don't feel daunted by the prospect that I may not fully understand everything, I feel excited that there are still so many ways and opportunities to grow my business and help others do the same.
So after 3 months at Wealthy Affiliate, what I have I learned that might be useful for others?
- Perfectionism is not your friend here. I've wasted quite a lot of time trying to ensure something was perfect, rather than just getting content up and moving forward. Don't let it hold you back.
- Follow the training as it builds upon itself. I've gotten side-tracked through various lessons in the training, and start researching various aspects for my website, only to have the very topic addressed later on down the line. Stick with the training process - it works.
- Jaaxy is a must. I was slow on the pick-up with keyword searching, but once I took the time to focus on it, it was a no-brainer. The benefits are huge and I was pleased to see some of my pages ranked!
- Don't spend hours trying to find the answer to your question, just ask. With access to a huge supportive community, I have had all my questions answered within minutes. This saves so much time - use the community, they are here to help.
- Read blogs and comments to stay encouraged and motivated. It's easy to feel overwhelmed and discouraged with so much information and progress taking time. The blogs and comments from the community really help to boost morale and keep you on the path to achieving your goals.
- Sharing is caring. Learn something new? Share it with the community. I have learned so much from the community on topics that are outside of the WA training. This information is a tremendous benefit to my business. If you pick up valuable information - share it, pay it forward.
I look forward to sharing more information as I continue to build and grow. Thanks to all for your continued support and encouragement.
Best Wishes,
Recent Comments
As a newbee....I have found myself spending a huge amount of time trying to get things "just right", and I will often get side tracked from the lesson I'm on......"look squirrel!".
Your blog post today was the perfect reminder to take the lessons in order and not to be shy about asking questions.
I have been using the keyword tool within WA, but it sounds like Jaaxy is something I should definitely be using.
Thanks Maggie !
P.S. Your website looks AWESOME :)
Thanks Laura! Yes, it's easy to get distracted! :) And Jaaxy has a few added benefits other than keyword searching, so it might be worth checking out. Thanks for the feedback on the website, I appreciate your kind words! It means a lot! :)
Hope things are well in California!
Great post. Perfectionism is definitely not your friend nor should it be. Thanks for sharing.
There is definetly a lot material to learn that is for sure. But from your post you seem to be a great learner you will become very good at it once you master it.
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Hi dear. To keep you going, I've prepared a Dose of Encouragement specially for you and for all my other loved ones. Here it is: Encouragement, A Wonderful Tonic Hope you will appreciate it.
Have a nice day.
Best Regards
Thank you, I appreciate this!
So sweet. Keep smiling.