All I Have Accomplish This Weekend
When I woke up on Saturday morning, the day before Mother's Day, I was surprise to see that everything outside was white. I thought I was dreaming. Taking a closer look I realized that It was snowing. I looked for my phone to find out what the temperature was. It was thirty degrees. Too cold for this time of the year, I thought. The previous days the temperature was much warmer and I thought the winter was gone, Little did I know that Mother Nature had different ideas of what we can accomplished this weekend.
I had to go to work. I am a Home Health Aide and I take care of two sisters. One is 93 years old and the other is 94 years old. They are quite independent for their age. They do need assistance because they have Dementia. So, I make them breakfast, lunch and dinner. I help them with their showers, do their hair and dressed them up. By this time is lunchtime. I sit them down to eat while I prepare their dinner. I leave at one o'clock. Before I left their house, I received an email from my tenants telling me that I had a delivery
. Included in the email was a photo of the beautiful flower arrangement, (above) that my son send me for Mother's Day. That put a smile on my face, Although I am missing spending time with him this year, because of Covid-19. He usually takes me out for dinner and I get to have a Pina Colada since I don't have to drive.
Hoping For a Sunny Day on Sunday
It was snowing on and of all day Saturday. I left the ladies I take care of at one o'clock and came to my house to prepare dinner for myself before I go to the Supermarket to work. I got my flower arrangement from my tenant and proceeded to go to my apartment upstairs. My steps were all full of snow and I really had no time to shovel snow right at that moment.
I had about two and a half hours in which to eat and get ready to go to my next job. So after I got ready I figure I sit by the computer and do some work on Wealthy Affiliate . I read some post, welcome some new members, thank a few members for fallowing me. and made some comments. By this time I had to run to my other job. Not really enough time to feel like I have accomplished any good amount of work.
It looked like a blizzard outside while I drove myself to work. I put my gear on and went behind the register. Amazingly enough the sun came out . It gets very hot under that mask and I have to wear it for four hours. Let me tell you, those nurses out there have a very difficult time. God blessed them and give them strength, because they sure need it.
By the time my break came there were blizzard like winds, snow and hale. Very unusual weather. Mother Nature couldn't make up her mind on what to do, snow, rain or sunshine. After four hours of work I did some shopping before going home. Again I worked on my Wealth Affiliate lessons. I become distracted by the email and by the time I decide to work on the lessons I am totally exhausted and fall asleep with the computer on my lap.
It is Sunday And It's Mother's Day
Happy Mother's day every one! I wish for a minute that I was off for today. But the little ladies I take care of need help every day. So at 8:30 this morning I was on my way over to their house to take care of them. I did the usual routine. Today I dressed them nicely just in case some members of the family will come to visit.
As I mention before usually my son comes from Connecticut and takes me out for dinner, but this year we couldn't do that. So my daughter asked me to go to her house. Although I am not allowed to go inside, they brought out some empanadas that my granddaughter made and I was able to spend sometime with them while maintaining social distances. We sat outside for a while even though it was cold and windy.
Back Home Working With Wealthy Affiliate
After spending some nice time with my daughter, her husband and my grandchildren I return home. I called my 103 years old MOM to wish her a happy Mother's Day and tell her how much I love her, I went back to my computer to work with Wealthy Affiliate platform. I was able to write this post about all I have accomplished this weekend. I feel accomplished today because I finish my post.
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Happy Mother's Day, Carmen! What a wonderful post! You are a very strong and caring person, my friend! God Bless you!
Thank You very much Jeff!
You're very welcome!