Relax: It is just information overload
Do you ever feel like you can't live without technology?
After my daughter finished using the computer, I at least wanted to blog- if nothing else. I worked on training before getting garbage out (dad takes garbage cans to the dump) it is cheaper than having dump truck come. Daughter uses the computer for her classes and I cleaned house while she was on. By the time she was finished, I had one word on my blog.
Then it was time to make dinner. After cleaning up for the night, I had another episode where I did not want to do anything. Nothing interested me. Mindlessly scrolling on phone, I saw this one video.
Dopamine Detox
We constantly flood our senses (see, hear, taste, smell, touch) technology/electronics and the chemical in our bodies that is the "reward" chemical, dopamine, is constantly on.
High level dopamine activities: binge watching television or movies, junk/comfort food, playing video/computer games.
Low level dopamine activities: doing thing we know we should do, but don't because we crave the high level dopamine activities.
Dopamine detox was explained in this way:
You constantly eat at high quality restaurant (becomes "norm"), but one day someone offers you a bowl of rice instead. You are more likely to turn down the rice and stick with the food at the restaurant.
Your situation changes (environment) and you are on a deserted island and the only thing there is to eat is the bowl of rice.
Dopamine Detox: pick one day and do not do the following:
- No phone
- No computer
- No internet
- No music
- No junk food
- No television
Now you are bored and your dopamine levels are low because you aren't doing anything. Because the above things are "off" limits, what is there to do?
- yes to taking a walk or exercising
- yes to meditation or "quiet-time"
- yes to reflecting on goals
- yes to journaling with good ol' paper and pencil/pen
Increasing the "no's" and only using them for "business" purposes will help in controlling dopamine levels.
Recent Comments
Love it. I have introduced the thirty day rule.
Less television news
More laughter programs
More cardiovascular exercises
More space clearing
More healthy eating
More creativity like gardening, painting
More mediation
More Tapping
More walks
More time on my online business and website design
More time on writing my book
More pampering and self care
I am now in my third week and I feel absolutely energetic and on track with the things I want to do.I live with purpose
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Makes sense to me. You sometimes have to refocus in order to succeed.